Session Title 6th Annual Global Supply Chain Excellence Summit
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How important is Supply Chain Digital Transformation? In a recent study*, 337 executives from large manufacturing and retail organizations in over 20 different countries around the world were surveyed on how important organizations consider the need for a Digital Transformation of their Supply Chains * A cross-industry study by a multi-national IT service provider
Progress so far on Supply Chain Digital Transformation In the same study, executives were asked to comment on their level of satisfaction with the progress that their Digital Supply Chain Transformation efforts have shown so far
Why such a high level of dissatisfaction? The vast majority of Digital Transformation initiatives fall into one of two categories: Digital Transformation inside a single organization: For example how digital technologies transform internal ERP systems, Human Capital Management, Finance and Accounting, etc. Digital Transformation between organizations and their customers: For example how digital technologies transform CRM, Marketing Automation, POS systems, E-commerce, etc. But, a third category of Digital Transformation that plays an increasingly important role in today’s outsourced, globalized world, has so far, not got a lot of attention. It may just be the most important category of all. Digital Transformation between organizations and all of their partners across the value chain 5
How to achieve third category of transformation? Key Four Supply Chain Strategies to drive Digital Transformation Customer-centric connected ecosystem Synchronized planning Intelligent optimization End-to-end transparency & total visibility
Declining costs in bandwidth, storage and computing Cloud KEY TECHNOLOGY ENABLER Technology evolution in CLOUD COMPUTING spurs the rise of connected supply chain and makes the disruption possible Less capital investment - Significantly reduces upfront capital investment for scalable infrastructure over current on-premises model Easy Integration - Simplifies integration with multiple ERP and enterprise systems through built-in connectors Elasticity - Provides elasticity and thus enables almost instant scaling Drives Innovation – Helps organizations to be better equipped for embracing new trends in supply chain technologies Declining costs in bandwidth, storage and computing
In Summary The most important category of Digital Transformation that plays an increasingly important role in today’s outsourced, globalized world, has so far, not got a lot of attention. Digital Transformation between organizations and all of their partners across the value chain The four key strategies that can help achieve a satisfying and sustainable Supply Chain Digital Transformation. Customer-centric connected ecosystem Synchronized planning Intelligent optimization End-to-end transparency & total visibility The four key technology enablers that drive the transformation.
6th Annual Global Supply Chain Excellence Summit Thank You!