WELCOME S4 SQA Exam Support Parental Engagement Evening Kilmarnock Academy WELCOME S4 SQA Exam Support Parental Engagement Evening
Agenda SQA Liaison Manager Pupil’s Advice School Support Wellbeing Fiona Malone Pupil’s Advice Georgia & Leila School Support Mrs Mossie Wellbeing Mrs Milne Studying for exams Mr Cartner
National Qualifications 2018 Parent information: National Qualifications 2018 SQA Liaison Manager Fiona Malone
SCQF Level Previous/Existing Replaced by Resulting Advanced Higher SG Credit/Int2 SG General/Int1 Access 3/SG Foundation Access 2 Access 1 Advanced Higher Higher National 5 National 4 National 3 National 2 National 1 Graded A-D Pass/Fail 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Could we create an activity for a round table where we give them cards with each of the individual quals on it and ask them to put them in order on a printed table then give them the grades and ask them to populate the table? Ask how many did Standard Grades? Anyone like me who did O Grades? Sixth year studies?
Navigating the website National Qualifications Changes to National qualifications Coursework Navigating the website Understanding Standards Going to chat about the following: National Qualifications Changes Coursework Our website – how to get further information and help US – candidate exemplification Any questions?
Assessment will be carried out using one or two of the following assessment methods: Assignment Case Study Practical Activity Performance Portfolio Project Question Paper/test Course assessment for N5, Higher and AH are externally marked by SQA or is internally marked and quality assured by SQA. Explain and ask – what subjects may have a practical activity? Performance? What subjects are 100% assessed by question paper/test? Maths and Latin
Changes to National Qualifications
Changes to National 5 in 2017/18 September 2016 - Deputy First Minister announces removal of units from National Courses: ‘The removal of mandatory unit assessments has the distinct purpose of reducing the amount of assessment experienced by young people taking national qualifications and the workload created as a result of administering the units.’ - Scottish Government Policy Statement, March 2017 May not need this slide if you ask the room how many have older siblings? Discuss the fact that their older children may have had different experiences. Plus, if they have a child sitting Highers they’ll be doing units this year.
Unit Assessment Internally assessed by teachers Pupils can have two attempts There have to be exceptional circumstances for a third attempt Available as free standing units for National 5 and Higher Advanced Higher in session 19-20
Removal of mandatory unit assessments Timeline Session 2017-18: National 5 Session 2018-19: Higher Session 2019-20: Advanced Higher You will see that the units are being removed over the next three years, starting with National 5 then Higher then Advanced Higher. Therefore this year group. (N4 is under review). These units are still available though as free standing SCQF level 5 units.
National 5 - changes to course assessment Very few changes to the aims, rationale or content of the courses Course assessments strengthened to ensure assessment of full content of course, following the removal of units However this has resulted in one or more of the following: - extension of the existing question paper - extension of the existing item of coursework - new question paper - new item of coursework
Changes to Higher All 40 Courses have changes - mirror the change at National 5 2 have no changes to Question Papers – English and Music 9 have no change to Coursework 5 have a new Question Paper – Care, CCD, Dance, FTT, Photography 4 have a new Coursework component: English, Gaidhlig, Modern languages, Music 12 now have two Question Papers (science and social subjects) Philosophy has removal of assignment and now has two QPs CCD-Childcare and development/ FTT-Fashion and Textile Technology
Coursework Assessment Conditions (English Writing Folio) It is acceptable for a teacher or lecturer to provide: an initial discussion with the candidate on the selection of a topic, theme, genre, leading to an outline plan written or oral feedback on one draft of writing
Coursework Assessment Conditions (English Writing Folio) It is not acceptable for a teacher or lecturer to provide: model answers which are specific to a candidate’s task specific advice on how to re-phrase wording key ideas, or a specific structure or plan corrections of errors in spelling and punctuation feedback on more than one draft of writing
Coursework Assessment Conditions (History) The production of evidence stage is conducted under a high degree of supervision and control. This means that: candidates must be in direct sight of the assessor (or other responsible person) during the period of the assessment candidates must not communicate with each other candidates should have access only to the History Resource Sheet My coursework leaflet issued to all centres to share with all candidates Sept of any session and also on our open website.
Grade D from 2018 Revised National Qualifications – Grade D will be broadened from the current position (notional 45-49%) to a notional 40-49%. This ten per cent range brings a Grade D award into line with the ranges for Grades B and C This will apply to National 5 in 2018, Higher in 2019 and Advanced Higher in 2020. ANQ announced in March 2017 that the mechanism for Recognising Positive Achievement will be through the extension of Grade D. Grade D is being extended to 40-49%. This was principally agreed to compensate for the removal of the operational process called Recognising Positive Achievement (the fall-back arrangements between National 5 and National 4). This will be introduced on an incremental basis as course structures change. National 5 in 2018 will certificate grade D at 40-49%, Higher and Advanced Higher in 2018 will certificate grade D at current arrangements 45-49%. Higher will change in 2019 and Advanced Higher in 2020.
Navigating the Website
www.sqa.org.uk SQA’s website gives information for various audiences – teachers, learners and parents and carers. We will soon be launching a public beta version of our site – our aim is to make navigating the information easier for all users
National 5 course documents Subject pages are useful for parents and pupils as well as subject teachers. Course documents, assessment information (including past papers and MI’s)plus resources from SQA and links to material from other organisations – eg BBC Bitesize.
Exceptional Circumstances and Post Results Service Purpose Head of Centre decision Guides are on SQA connect and any queries regarding these services should be discussed with the management team within your school.
Understanding Standards Find this area of the website by scrolling to the bottom of any page on the website and you will see a grey menu band where you can choose Understanding Standards. This will allow you to see the level of work that is produced at each level under this system. The aims of the courses are all the same as they have been, it is only the way that they are assessed that is changing so this information is still very relevant to learners. IF INTERNET ACCESS IS AVAILABLE I WILL DEMONSTRATE
Understanding Standards
My SQA Register to get results by text at 8am. Great if going on holiday.
Study, Revision and Preparation Parentzone is organised into distinct and user-friendly areas covering issues that affect parents during the different stages of their children's education. https://education.gov.scot/parentzone General assessment information covering Coursework such as Assignment or Practical activity. Download these from SQA’s subject pages at www.sqa.org.uk/browsecfesubjects click the subject you are interested in and select National 5. www.sqa.org.uk/examtools BBC Bitesize: www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Revision in a nutshell: www.npfs.org.uk
Mention nationals in a nutshell – being updated http://www.npfs.org.uk/nationals-in-a-nutshell/
NAT 5 Exams!! Leila & Georgia Final task to see if work has sunk in – pupils can leave the post it notes on their desk or on the board. Leila & Georgia
Going from S3 The jump from S3 to S4 is huge, this is the beginning point in your school career where being clever isn’t enough. In order to do well in your National 5’s, you will have to put in the effort.
Study skills Schedule a Timetable! Remember to study in good chunks. Always remember to take breaks. Get a good amount of sleep and drink LOTS of water. Study correctly. Be smart when you are studying. Study everything but focus on the things you don’t know, don’t just focus on the things you do know. Change your methods of studying. (flash cards, mind maps, tests) Don’t leave anything to last minute. Most importantly talk to a teacher if you are stuck!
Things parents can help with Mobile Phones!!! Xbox/ PlayStation controllers. The plug out of the TV. If you're feeling generous, take the Wi-Fi. Go through flashcards with your children or test them. Be on their case about homework and studying. Don’t let them leave it to last minute. Stay involved with what your child is learning.
Things that worked for us. You must find what works for you but we used; Supported study Flashcards Glow SQA model and past papers(bought as a book or found on SQA website; BBC Bitesize(available as an app or online).
Supported Study One of the best things you can do is attend supported study for the subjects your are doing. This allows you to get help from the teacher while studying Depending on how you are doing in your classes, you might be targeted to attend certain supported study classes. Please Attend!
School Support Mrs Mossie
The Challenges Ahead Step up to National 5 Exams Pupils will be presented for 7 subjects in S4 Increase in difficulty and work rate Increase in homework demands Improve time management skills Increase in commitment/dedication Increase in study time Increase in pressure to achieve Increase in stress levels It is going to be a challenging year - that’s why we are here tonight to see how we can make this easier for you to cope with
Attendance This is Simon. He is in S4 and has 90% attendance. Is that good? What does this mean?
Simon thinks this is pretty good Is he right? 90% attendance ½ day missed every week!!
Lets looks a little closer….. 1 school year at 90% attendance 4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED!!!
Tracking, Monitoring & Reporting Pupils progress tracked 3 times throughout the year; September/ October Learner conversations and target grades. Tracking report 1 sent home SLT to review progress to date and put in place action plan as appropriate November Learner Conversations and working grades discussed. Full reports issued Target grade are realistic and based on evidence – this is what will be used to measure progress over the year – target grade does not change – need a benchmark to measure progress against If not on target strategies will be put in place by either – class teacher, PT, Guidance or SMT as appropriate
Tracking, Monitoring & Reporting February Learner Conversations and prelim grades discussed. Tracking report issued. SLT to review progress to date and put in place action plan as appropriate If not on target strategies will be put in place by either – class teacher, PT, Guidance or SMT as appropriate
Other Interventions Attendance/ late coming checks SQA early warning alert Pupil Action Plans Standard Letters/ phonecalls Fortnightly check in between SMT and Guidance to monitor attendance and timekeeping
Assessments Unit assessments ongoing throughout the session (for some pupils) Coursework – each subject will have different deadlines – stick to these Prelims – 7th – 18th January Final exams – 25th April – 31st May Unit assessments – must pass to sit exam. Need to be continually on top of this Coursework – most subjects will have coursework which contributes to the final mark – need to nail this – gives you a great head start for the exam Prelims – need to understand the importance of these
Extra help session Many teachers offer extra helps sessions at lunchtime or after school Targeted supported study session will be running from this week onwards – five week block. Timetables will be issued, resisters taken and parents informed of non- attendance Easter School and Masterclasses
Support Challenges – let us know what they are so we are able to help Speak to us – tell us if any issues arise so we can help to sort these out Remember look after your health Is there any other parent / pupil sessions you want this year?
Finally ….. “I have learnt that although it may seem bad to begin with, it will only last for a few months then it is over. It is better to suffer for a short period of time than spend the rest of your life regretting your lack of dedication” Who do we think said this??
Kilmarnock Academy Parental Engagement Mindfulness Kilmarnock Academy Parental Engagement
I don’t have time for lunch! I’m drowning in emails! There aren’t enough hours in the day! I need to pull an all nighter! My head is going to explode! I’ll go to the toilet later!
Learning to self-regulate.
Research suggests that classical music helps to calm and engage the brain when studying Avoiding distractions – putting phone away/off Setting realistic goals, time frames Drinking water or tea Relaxing before bed – reading, watching TV, taking the dog a walk.
Misconceptions about studying Parental engagement
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein
“I have been revising hard, I have read my notes for an hour.”
“I have been revising hard, I have read my notes for an hour.” Reading should be done on a nightly basis to consolidate the learning from that day. Revision techniques should use the knowledge gained from class in a different way so that learning connections can be made. Make mind maps Answer questions Write out notes without any help and compare that to the original.
“Studying the night before is all I need because it means it will be fresh in my mind.”
“Studying the night before is all I need because it means it will be fresh in my mind.” Studies find that “cramming” before an exam can have a negative impact on learning. It can increase stress and anxiety, which cloud thinking. It is much more effective to complete the majority of study in advance.
“I study best with my music on, it helps me concentrate.” Quiz time Try and study both passages. One with music and one without.
“I study best with my music on, it helps me concentrate.” This is a tricky one as it depends on the study task. If it is practising a skill and/or using creativity, then it can help. E.g preparing for an art exam. For study tasks that involve building understanding or memory, music tends to have a distracting effect. However, low level, calm music without lyrics can help to drown out random background noise but most studies show, a quiet study space is the most effective study space.
“I prefer to wait to the weekend and do all my studying at once.” All research into study skills shows that the brain can only cope with concentrating on one task for a maximum of 45 mins at a time. “saving up” all study for one day means that time will be inevitably spent doing ineffective study. The most effective study plans have pupils breaking work into chunks, contain a variety of tasks and include small study breaks.
“I have done my homework, that counts as my study.” Yes homework helps with remembering new learning but it is only effective for small sections of the course. Homework is effective in conjunction with study but the aim of study is to pull together knowledge from the full course. Homework is a nightly task used to help pupils understand recent learning and time has to be set aside for this. However, study is there to ensure wider knowledge of the course is achieved.
“Past papers don’t help me.” Past papers have been shown to be one of the most effective tools for pupils to prepare for exams. There are a few reasons why they are so good. They prepare pupils for the wording they will see in their exams. They give a more active form of revision which helps understanding and retention. They give pupils an insight into the pace they will need in the exam. Using them along with the marking scheme will help pupils see how close they are to the expected answers and allow them to modify their answers to address this. Some questions can be repeated or slightly reworded, so will give confidence in the exam.