Basic Writing Mechanics Rules For Writing Short Essays and Research Papers
Table of Contents Formatting Sourcing Words to Not Use in Papers Capitalization Commas Apostrophes Writing Numbers Italicizing and Underlining
A. Formatting 12 point Font One Inch Margins Times Roman Numeral Font Type Double Spacing Page Numbers in Lower Right Hand Corner
B. Sourcing Use Chicago Style for footnotes, or endnotes. As a reference, use the link provided on the classroom writing page. Be sure to use the correct number and type of sources; each assignment will vary in requirements. As a general rule, each paragraph must contain at least one source, if content is not directly from the student.
C. Words to Not Use in Papers Never use get or got, or this. Never use personal pronouns such as I, me, you, or myself. Never use contractions. Do not end a sentence with a preposition (along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, despite, down, during, except, for, from, in near, off, on, of, onto, out, outside, over, past, since, through, till, to, toward, under, underneath, until, up, upon, with, within, or without).
D. Capitalization Capitalize White or Black when referring to race. Capitalize cities, states, nations, capitols, nationalities, historical events, airplanes, ships, trains, spacecraft, and languages. Capitalize days, holidays, months, Capitalize names, places, and organizations. Capitalize rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, and creeks.
Capitalize Mr., Miss., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Sr., and Jr. Capitalize Governor, President, Prime Minister, King, Queen, Pastor, Minister, Senator, or Congressmen when it comes before the name. Capitalize all published works such as books, newspapers, songs, articles, movies, and paintings. Capitalize religions, clubs, structures, and institutions.
E. Commas Use a comma before which, or, and but. Use comma in dates: July 4th, 1776, Use comma to set apart places: (Augusta, Montana), (Munich, Germany). Use commas in a series: (We hiked, fished, and swam last weekend.)
F. Apostrophes Use them when showing ownership. Singular Example: The man’s cap is red. Plural Example: Use the boys’ locker room.
G. Writing Numbers Spell out numbers less than 999. Write numbers above 999 in numerical form. Write dates as follows: September 14, 1977 Write times as follows: 1:05 A.M. Write addresses as follows: 740 2nd St. SW., Jamestown, ND 58401 Write percent's as follows: 85 percent
H. Italicizing and Underlining Italicizing or underline the following items: Titles of books Poems Newspapers Magazines Movies Works of Art TV Shows Articles Trains, Ships, Planes, Tanks