Created By: Computer Magic (Jane E. Cable) Character Map Created By: Computer Magic (Jane E. Cable) 1/15/2019
Introduction Why use the character map? How to access the character map. Click on Start Programs Accessories Choose Character Map 1/15/2019
How it will look 1/15/2019
Change Font to the one you are using. 1/15/2019
Choose the Character 1/15/2019
Click on Select Preview 1/15/2019
Click on Copy Paste into Document 1/15/2019
The Keystroke: Alt + Numbers 1/15/2019
Type Character in Document While in document you can type the Character by holding down the Alt Key and typing the numbers associated with it on the numbers keypad. The Num Lock Key must be ON 1/15/2019
Some Characters & Their Keystrokes Alt + 0186 º Alt + 0162 ¢ Alt + 0169 © Alt + 0174 ® Alt + 0153 ™ Alt + 0247 ÷ Alt + 0163 £ Alt + 0188 ¼ Alt + 0189 ½ Alt + 0190 ¾ Alt + 0248 ø Alt + 0137 ‰ Alt + 0232 è Alt + 0233 é Alt + 0234 ê Alt + 0235 ë 1/15/2019