White Medium on Black Support
Chiaroscuro Chiaroscuro In art, the use of strong light and shadow to define forms and model volume. core shadow HINT- for those of you who speak Spanish or French, break down the word! The word originated from the two French words clair-obscur. In other words, objects and forms have value as they turn away from light to create shadows Use it as a way to strengthening your work. It creates a sense of depth on a two dimensional surface. In other words, it makes something look real and 3D on a flat surface such as paper.
Tenebrism A style of painting that uses violent contrasts of light and dark. Popular style during the Baroque period, 1600-1750. Was made famous by Caravaggio, the Italian artist. Comes from the word “Tenebrous” Meaning dark; gloomy; obscure. A heightened form of chiaroscuro. It creates the look of figures emerging from the dark. Frequently, the main subjects of tenebrist pictures are illuminated by a single source of light, like a spotlight. Portrait of Caravaggio by Ottavio Leoni (c. 1621).
Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus, Oil on Canvas, painted 1601-02 Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus, Oil on Canvas, painted 1601-02., Size: 77 by 55 inches., National Gallery, London
David with the Head of Goliath Caravaggio, David and Goliath, Oil on canvas, c. 1599, Prado, Madrid.
Ed Watson, Daily Painting #57: Self Portrait - Dark, Oil on panel, 5x7 Contemporary artist based out of Buffalo Grove, IL Great use of chiaroscuro and tenebrism! Ed Watson, Daily Painting #57: Self Portrait - Dark, Oil on panel, 5x7
Your Assignment: Step 1 Make a 7 step value scale with 1½” x 1½” boxes. Use white charcoal (your medium) on black paper (your support) to create a scale from light to dark.
Your Assignment: Step 2 Depict a sphere using white charcoal on black construction paper. Use chiaroscuro to create volume on your 2D support. Include a highlight, shadow, core shadow, reflected light, cast shadow and surface. (NOTE- without a surface your image will be floating and you should adjust your cast shadow accordingly!) Refer to your vocabulary sheets!!
Your Assignment: Step 3 Select a black and white photograph to replicate on black paper using white charcoal as your support. Your final image will be 12”x18” in scale. Proportionately grid your original picture up to scale. NOTE! The smaller your picture, the harder this will be!
Rubric Criteria Points Possible Is the original image a balanced one and does it illustrate an extensive selection of value? 25 Were lines, shapes and detail accurately depicted? 30 Do your values match those of the original composition? 35 Was the image depicted a challenging one? i.e. Are there various textures depicted? Craftsmanship and skill in handling the composition and form. (Does your grid show?) How much effort was put forth towards the successful completion of the assignment? Is the drawing complete? Total Points: 200