America at War What were the US contributions to WWI? ** Don’t copy
The arrival of American troops in Europe dramatically increased the fighting strength of the Allied Powers. More than 4 million American soldiers, sailors, and marines fought in WWI. The American presence began to turn the war around. It was one of the deciding factors in the Allied Powers eventual victory.
WWI was one of the first times planes were used in a war WWI was one of the first times planes were used in a war. When planes fought each other in the air, it was called a dog fight. Air planes were also used to drop bombs and shoot at troops on the ground.
**Alvin York who was raised in Tennessee was well known for his sharp shooting. York was out on patrol with 17 other men when they came under heavy fire. Alone, York traded fire against German machine guns with his rifle. York knocked out 35 machine guns and captured 135 German prisoners.
Germans began using poison gas as a weapon Germans began using poison gas as a weapon. Soon, both sides were using gas against each other. Germans developed deadlier gases. Gas masks were developed to protect soldiers from the fumes.
Tanks were used for the first time during WWI Tanks were used for the first time during WWI. Submarines were now put to use on a large scale to destroy enemy ships.
Fighting during WWI was fierce Fighting during WWI was fierce. Soldiers on both sides dug a system of trenches that faced each other and could extend hundreds of miles. Barbed-wire fences protected the front of each trench. Soldiers ate and slept in the trenches where were often flooded and full of rats.