Day 5 Open Court Phonics and Fluency Blending and Developing Oral Language
plan hum plant ten hump tent ten tent hum hump plan plant
and end sand send stand spend and sand stand end send spend and sand stand end send spend
nest help fits next held fist help held help held nest next fits fist nest next fits fist
tall all add talk tall bald ball add bald add all tall talk ball bald all tall ball talk tall small
ea ea head sweat bread dreamt spread meant head bread spread sweat Another way to have a short e sound: ea head sweat bread dreamt spread meant head bread spread sweat dreamt meant head bread spread ea sweat dreamt meant
nap napkin kin ob object ject in insect sect ab absent sent hap happen pen talent tal ent napkin object insect absent happen talent
ten tent hum hump plan plant and sand stand end send spend Developing Oral Language ten tent hum hump plan plant and sand stand end send spend help held nest next fits fist add all tall talk ball bald head bread spread sweat dreamt meant napkin object insect absent happen talent
Sentences Grant sent many of the gifts. come every many wants of Sentences Grant sent many of the gifts. Trent will come for every test.