A New School for Burngreave Progress Update: Burngreave Local Area Partnership Meeting Purpose of tonight… Update on the plans for the new through Primary and Secondary School on the Pye Bank/Woodside Site Introduce initial concept designs. It’s worth me saying that we are talking to you at a very early stage in the design process. This is an opportunity for you to have and early look at and comment on the designs. The final designs may change as this process develops. Start a discussion with yourselves about how the school can become fully integrated in the area, how it can support re-generation in the area and how we can make the most of the school and its facilities. One of the things to explore as part of this is the how the wider community may be able to use the facilities at the school? Background… Consulted on proposals to open a new 2-18 school in Northeast Sheffield in Autumn 2015 During this consultation you told us, You supported the proposals to build a new school You supported bringing the Old Pye Bank School building back into use The preservation and enhancement of greenspace should be a priority for us The school could have a role to play in creating a cohesive local community We would need to work to ensure that the different needs of primary and secondary aged children could be fully met on the site
The school will be run by Reach4 and will open in September 2018. A new primary and secondary through school on the Pye Bank/Woodside site The school will be run by Reach4 and will open in September 2018. In February 2016 Council’s Cabinet considered all of your comments from the consultation and approved the proposal to build: It will mean there are enough local school places for children living in this area for the foreseeable future. What we want to do now is to take you through a timeline of the key steps in getting from where we are now to having the school open in September 2018
Timeline September 2016 - March 2107 Design & Pre-Planning Engagement Submit for Planning Permission March 2017 March 2017 - May 2017 Planning Consultaton Planning Approval (hopefully) May 2017 June 2017 - August 2018 Start on site June 2017 Building work completed August 2018
Concept Designs We are still committed to re-furbishing and bringing the Old Pye Bank School building back into use We have started to develop concept designs for the new school One thing to mention is how primary and secondary can co-exist on the same site – people were worried about this during the consultation
The Wider Area Masterplan We are committed to realise a wider masterplan for the area, including the new school, enhancements to green space and new housing. One important thing for us to explore is… What school facilities would you like to see made available to the community?
For further information or to make a comment… Sponsor or school related, schoolreorganisation@sheffield.gov.uk Shared facilities or Greenspace related, parksandcountryside@sheffield.gov.uk