Tobacco Use And Teens Page 242


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Presentation transcript:

Tobacco Use And Teens Page 242 Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Tobacco Use And Teens Page 242

Why Do Teens Begin Using Tobacco? Teens may try tobacco even if hey don’t want to because they think they might lose their friends. It is important to choose friends who influence you to make healthful choices. Magazines, music videos, and movies show images of people using tobacco. Tobacco companies spend billions of dollars advertising their products.

Tobacco contains nicotine. Nicotine causes _____________. Tobacco Addiction Tobacco contains nicotine. Nicotine causes _____________. addiction A mental or physical need for a drug or other substance _________________________________________

Anyone who stops using nicotine goes through withdrawal. Tobacco Addiction Anyone who stops using nicotine goes through withdrawal. withdrawal The unpleasant symptoms that someone experiences when he or she stops using an addictive substance During withdrawal from smoking, a person may sleep badly and crave nicotine. He or she may feel moody or nervous, and be extra hungry.

Psychological Dependence psychological dependence A person’s belief that he or she needs a drug to feel good or function normally In the mind of a person who is psychologically dependent on tobacco, he or she may connect tobacco use with feeling relaxed. Breaking this connection means changing habits.

Physical Dependence Teens can develop a physical dependence on nicotine much more easily than adults can. physical dependence An addiction in which the body develops a chemical need for a drug

_________________________________________ Physical Dependence _________________________________________ _________________________________________. tolerance The body’s need for larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect When a tobacco user develops a tolerance for nicotine, they must smoke or chew tobacco more often.

Tobacco Advertising Tobacco advertisements can strongly affect teens by making teens feel that it’s fun or cool to use tobacco. Click to add notes

Teens are a good target audience for tobacco companies. Targeting Teens Teens are a good target audience for tobacco companies. target audience A group of people for which a product is intended Tobacco advertisements work because they are designed to appeal specifically to young people. __________________________________________ __________________________________________.

Targeting Teens Media literacy can help teens understand the validity of messages that come from advertisers. media literacy The ability to understand the goals of advertising and the media

Targeting Teens Tobacco companies try to inspire brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the attachment a person has to a certain brand of product.

Advertisers use product placement to sell tobacco to teens. Targeting Teens Advertisers use product placement to sell tobacco to teens. product placement A paid arrangement a company has made to show its products in media such as television or film Advertisers hope that teens who see placed products will be more likely to try their brands.

Advertisers use sporting events to target teens. Targeting Teens Advertisers use sporting events to target teens. Tobacco companies sponsor sporting events knowing that teens will see their advertisements. Sporting events such as baseball and football games have corporate sponsors.

Antismoking Efforts More and more teens want to stay healthy by avoiding tobacco use. Thanks to antismoking efforts, most teens and adults are in favor of a tobacco-free society.

Legal Bans on Tobacco Ads Tobacco companies are not allowed to place outdoor advertisements within 1,000 feet of schools and playgrounds. Tobacco companies cannot make or sell hats, T-shirts, and other items. Cigarette advertisements cannot appear on radio and television. The issue of product placement is an important issue because it allows tobacco companies to sidestep the law.

Legal Bans on Tobacco Ads It is illegal for stores to sell tobacco products to people under the age of 18.

Antismoking Ad Campaigns Antismoking ad campaigns urge teens to avoid tobacco use. Antismoking ad campaigns urge smokers to see the dangers of tobacco and to seek help quitting. The goal of antismoking ad campaigns is to send the message to people of every age that choosing to use tobacco is a risk behavior that has many negative short-term and long-term consequences.