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Ostracize leave someone out, ignore, or banish with approval from the larger group Verb

Morose Miserable, depressed, extremely sad Adjective

Aloof Distant, removed, feeling apart from others Adjective

Cower To shake in fear, draw back away Verb

Obstinate Stubborn, or unwilling to change your mind Adjective

Absurd Strange, bizarre, ridiculous Adjective

Feign Pretend, fake, move with deception Verb

Frivolous lack of sense; playful, silly Adjective

Scrutinize Analyze, inspect, examine in detail Verb

Diligent attentive and persistent in doing anything, hardworking Adjective

Tele – Far Hemi – half Greek/Latin Roots Examples – Television, telescope, telephone Hemi – half Examples – hemisphere, hemicycle

Student PPT Slide For your Word, you will need the following Word Part of speech Definition A picture example of your own Make it colorful 1. Absurd, 2. Aloof, 3. Cower, 4. Diligent, 5.Feign, 6. Frivolous, 7. Morose, 8. Obstinate, 9. Ostracize, 10 Scrutinize