The Odyssey Homer
What is an Epic Poem? Reminds us of poetry, fiction and drama Tells an incredible adventure story Filled with dramatic action Graphic/violent details Purpose: to teach and inspire people about their historic traditions as represented by larger-than-life heros.
Homer Legend says Homer was a blind man who lived on the rocky Greek island of Chicos All legends are hard to prove The island he is said to have lived on is now Turkey Like most people in his day, Homer could probably neither read nor write Told his story orally (what problems arise with the game of “telephone?”)
Hero’s Cycle Stages Call to Initiation Threshold(s) Abyss Transformation Atonement/Restitution
Hero’s Cycle Characters Initiate Mentors Threshold Guardians The Shadow!!! Helper Hero!
Connect to Ms. Mertz’s “Ironman Cycle”
Elements of the Epic Hero Cycle- Joseph Campbell The main character is a hero, who is often possessed of supernatural abilities or qualities The hero is charged with a quest The presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions The hero’s travels take him to a supernatural world The cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated A resurrection must occur Restitution: often takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place on the throne.
PART 1: An Invocation Invocation Etymology: invoke, meaning “to call on” Homer is calling upon a Muse, or a goddess. This inspiration was important to the Ancient Greeks. Valor Etymology: valere, meaning “to be strong” or bravery
Apply the Hero’s Cycle to “Finding Nemo!” As you watch “Finding Nemo,” watch for and label when you discover each stage. Additionally, watch for and label when each character along the Hero’s journey is introduced! There WILL be multiple thresholds!