Scripture Focus: Hebrews 2:5-18 The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY Scripture Focus: Hebrews 2:5-18
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY The Word to Live By: We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. Hebrews 2:9
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY Session Truth: The paradox of an all-powerful God who became weak and vulnerable to the point of death in the person of His Son Jesus is the “power of God for salvation.” (Romans 1:16, NRSV)
What is an “oxymoron”? The Better Way: Hebrews 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY What is an “oxymoron”? Awfully Good Jumbo Shrimp Deafening Silence Pretty Ugly Uninvited Guest Catfish
What does the difference indicate? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY How are the words used to refer to Christ in Hebrews chapters 1 and 2 different? What does the difference indicate?
Why do we now see Jesus “crowned with glory and honor”? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY What does it mean when we read that Jesus “was made a little lower than the angels”? Why do we now see Jesus “crowned with glory and honor”?
What did Jesus accomplish by His death? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY What did Jesus accomplish by His death? What was unique about Christ’s death?
Where does God want to bring us? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY Where does God want to bring us? In what way is Christ “made perfect [complete] through suffering”?
“the one who ______________________.” The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY Jesus is “the one who ______________________.” We are among “those who are ______________________.”
How is it that the devil holds the power of death? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY How is it that the devil holds the power of death? What do those who are held “by their fear of death” need?
Why did God’s Son become human and suffer death? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY Why did God’s Son become human and suffer death? Why would He become “a merciful and faithful high priest”?
What is the meaning of atonement? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY What is the meaning of atonement? What makes Christ qualified to help those who are tempted? How can we show the reality of Christ’s work through word and actions today?
What is the meaning of atonement? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY What is the meaning of atonement? Not only is Jesus our elder “brother,” He calls us His brothers and sisters. How does that help you? What difference should it make in your life?
What is the meaning of atonement? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY What is the meaning of atonement? In what ways are you free from Satan? In what ways do you still need to claim freedom? In what ways are you free from sin? In what ways do you still need to claim freedom?
In what ways are you free from the fear of death? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY In what ways are you free from the fear of death? In what ways do you still need to claim freedom?
in the center of Your will. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY The Center of His Will Prayer Lord, I long to live in the center of Your will. Show me what is right, and enable me to do it.
Give me a right perspective The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY The Center of His Will Prayer Give me a right perspective on life, and teach me to care about the things that matter to You.
and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 5. THE BETTER HUMANITY The Center of His Will Prayer Empower me for service, and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. I pray in Christ’s strong name. Amen.