Selena Gomez
Selena Marie Gomez The place of birth of Selena is Grande Prarie of the Texas. The date of birth is 22 of july and 1992. Selena height and weight is 1,65m 50-kilograms Selena gomez hair is brown and is frieze this eyes is brown hazel and the skin color is white.
Family The mom is Mandy Teefey The dad is Ricardo Joel Gomez Selena Gomez at tow sister Gracie Éliot Teefey and Tori Gomez
Talents and abilities This profession is actress and a singer , executive producer fashion. This talents is the sing. things they are bad shis not good for the relatinship.
Favourite place Selena favourite place to shop is: urban outfitter and forever 21 Interests Hobbies and interests of selena gomez is surfing,playing,basketball,dancing and music
Charity Charity name : Unicef Charity Selena is a recording,actress,designer and was appointed a Unicef ambassador in september 2009. As a Unicef Ambassador,Selena has played on active role in advocating for the wold most vulnerable chelden by participiting in nemerous campains,events and initiatives on behalf of the US fund for Unicef.