Political, economic, and social inequalities in Mexico led to a period of revolution and reform.
Benito Juárez 1858 –1872
Benito Juarez Zapotec Indian Abraham Lincoln of Mexico La Reforma Resistance against French occupation Cinco de Mayo
Porfirio Díaz 1876-1911
Porfirio Diaz One of Juarez generals Juarez dies 1872 Diaz assumes dictatorship Rules until 1911 Reduces country to foreign dependency
Outbreak of the Mexican Revolution 1911-1921 Diaz calls for elections Francisco Madero elected president 1915 Madero assassinated
Dictatorship of Victorinao Huerta Non-recognition and intervention by United States Woodrow Wilson
A Triple Alliance against Huerta Venustacio Carranza represents the Middle Class
Francisco “Pancho” Villa represents Mestizos of the North Controversial Defies U.S. Very popular
Emiliano Zapata Leader of Indian South His battle cry was “Tierra y Libertad”
A revolution of violence and terror Attacks on the church All major leaders die Alvaro Obregon brings stability
Alvaro Obregon 1920-1924 + 1928
1930s Lazaro Cardenas Reforming president Land redistribution Nationalization of oil industry Benefits from “Good Neighbor Policy”
The Rise of P.R.I. Coalition between upper and middle classes P.R.I. Wins every presidential election between 1929 and 2000 Single party-capitalist system