MDE based FPGA physical Design Fast prototyping with Smalltalk Ciprian Teodorov, Loïc Lagadec Lab-STICC MOCS UMR 3192
FPGAs “Flexible” hardware Time to market Hard to program Hard to debug Compute node i1 LUT µP LUT LUT I1-i2 E/S i2 LUT i1 LUT I1+i2 LUT i2 Programmable interconnection LUT LUT LUT
FPGAs “Flexible” hardware Time to market Hard to program Hard to debug EDA required ! C to circuit Debug Benchmarking
Our Smalltalk-based EDA legacy
Legacy backfires Early developments (MADEO) started in 1996 Fast evolving domain (Moore + Murfy) Refactoring is not enough to keep in the race We have to re-design our framework
1 2 New direction We need to shift from To In order to deliver a generic solution to be tailored on demand To a repository of model, algorithms, components In order to deliver Performances Scalability Flexibility Durability 1 2
Front end C code Circuit High level synthesis (compilation) Ressources allocation (logic synthesis) Circuit
Programming an FPGA in 4 steps
ADL Based EDA generators Spécification Architecture Architecture specification ADL Description Exploration Application Synthesizer Compiler P&R Bitstream generator HW Prototype HW Prototype Configuration Controller Testbenches Testbenches Synthesis/Compilation Compilation Simulation Simulation Validation Validation 10
Simulation & synthesis Our flow Context Resources Zone Zone Zone ADL Description Reconfigurable zones description Behavioral code Bitstream model Resource model Configuration model Bistream Architecture VHDL Configuration controller Prototype 11 Simulation & synthesis
Some examples 12
Goal oriented view extraction
Tool engine
Models as common vocabulary
Combinational circuit modeling
Target modeling
Re-design / copy down
Let’s try to summarize Succes: target, tool flow
Thank you for your attention Conclusion Future work: Tools integration (eg Mondrian integration) Performances improvement Test coverage Algorithm pick and play GUI Thank you for your attention