Do Now If you were having problems with someone, how would you try to solve those problems?
II. Détente
A. Definition Foreign policy first started by Richard Nixon Idea was to ease tensions between communists countries and the United States. Why was President Nixon interested in easing tensions with these countries?
Why do Forrest go to China? Video Why do Forrest go to China? How does Forrest use ping pong to help the United States?
B. Relations with China Détente – easing of tensions between countries Policy created by Richard Nixon with China – wanted to create a better relationship with them to create peace. First step: American table tennis (ping pong) team was invited to China for a competition. First contact with China in over 20 years since it became communist. Nixon visited China in 1972 and met with Chairman Mao – U.S. recognized China as a country in 1979.
C. Relations with the Soviet Union Nixon met with USSR shortly after visiting China for peace negotiations. Came up with SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty). Two sides agreed to trade more and to reduce their number of nuclear weapons. President Jimmy Carter also believed in détente: agreed to SALT II Agreement to limit weapons further and for USSR to treat its people better.
D. Impact of Détente Total policy change – trying to create peace instead of making threats or trying to “contain” communism. Resulted in the U.S. not fighting any more major wars over communism.
Independent Practice Evaluate Nixon’s détente policy. Do you think this is the strategy the U.S. should be pursuing? Why or why not?
Exit Ticket 1) Which of the following would be an example of détente? a. Nixon officially recognizing the Communist regime of China. b. Nixon expanding the war in Vietnam to Laos and Cambodia. c. Carter condemning the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. d. The foreign policy of Ronald Reagan.
Exit Ticket 2) During the Cold War Era, the easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in the organization of the Warsaw Pact the invasion of Hungary and Czechoslovakia the Berlin Airlift a treaty limiting nuclear weapons
Exit Ticket 3) How did détente affect the United States’s relationship with communist countries? Provide a specific example to support your answer.