ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 A transformed and productive ACH sector - A sector that actively develops, preserves, protects ad promotes diverse ACH To develop, protect and promote cultural and creative sector To develop, preserve, protect and promote heritage To build relationships and partnerships locally and internationally To provide access to information To collect, document and ensure the long-term preservation of literary heritage artefacts Number of new acquisitions Number of records created Collections management policy
ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entities strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 2. An effective and efficient ACH sector - A sound governance system to ensure service delivery To create a coherent policy and legislative environment for the ACH sector To drive an integrated outcomes-based research, planning, monitoring and evaluation across the sector To implement sound financial management and control systems To strengthen and modernise archives and records management systems To ensure compliance in terms of the Cultural Institutions, the Public Finance Management Act and applicable National Treasury Regulations and other legislation Submission of Compliance reports and documents
ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entities strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 3. An integrated and inclusive society - An effective / impactful nation building and social cohesion programme To lead, coordinate and implement social cohesion programme To present engaging exhibitions based on NELM’s collections and associated knowledge To present educational and public programmes that promote the discovery, understanding and enjoyment of South African Literary and cultural heritage Temporary and travelling exhibitions Number of visitors to the museum and exhibitions Education and public programmes
ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entities strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 4. A professional and capacitated ACH Sector - A skilled and capacitated ACH Sector to ensure excellence To build human resource capacity and promote excellence To develop skills and capacity in museological and support functions. To contribute to the body of knowledge on the South African literary and cultural heritage Learning/professional development opportunities for staff Research projects Conference papers / public lectures
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW (as at third quarter of 2016/17)
THREE YEAR PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 (3rd Quarter) Achieved 85% 80% 74% 54% Not achieved 15% 20% 26% 46%
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 (3rd Quarter) R’000 Income 9 501 9 101 9 948 2 487 Government Grant 8 148 8 657 9055 2 385 Own Income 1 353 444 893 102 Expenditure 9 306 9 365 10 225 2 323 Surplus/Deficit 195 (264) (277) 164
AUDIT OUTCOME NELM 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Audit Outcomes Qualified Qualified with findings
GOVERNANCE 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Number of Council members 11 7 Number of Council meetings 2 3 Number of Council committee meetings 6 5 1 Attendance rate of Council meetings 77% 58% 66% 65% Number of Audit Committee meetings Number of Management meetings n/a Number of Staff meetings 9
ISSUES FOR NOTING ISSUE STATUS Audit Fees Entity has an ongoing litigation by the Auditor General concerning outstanding Audit fees. Ongoing. Entity to provide detailed feedback in their presentation. Mandate NELM Entity is in a process to align its mandate following the opening of a new building and the directive of the Department. Entity working on a business plan for the expansion of mandate. Business plan will be submitted to the Department. Name Change process Change of mandate requires a name change since the museum will accommodate other languages as well. Entity has begun a process of public participation to this effect. Entity to deal with this in their presentation. Council term Council term expires on 30 November 2017. Department has commenced with the process to re-constitute the new Council.
ISSUES FOR NOTING cont… STATUS Governance issues Working relations between Council and Management. This emanated after two council members incurred irregular expenditure which happened during the time of travelling to the meetings. This was recorded in the 2015/16 Annual Report and it created tensions between Council and management. There was lack of cohesiveness amongst Council members themselves Request for intervention was received from the Director. The Department intervened on the matter and attended a meeting between Management and Council where the matter was discusses. In that meeting it transpired that Council dealt with the matter and the expenditure was condoned. The Department intervened and held a meeting with Council to deal with challenges faced by the Council. It appears that the tensions that existed have eased.