Decade Book
Decade Book Over the course of this semester we have covered United States as well as some World history from the 1860s through 2001. In this assignment you will choose a decade discussed in class and independently research it. Because there are only 90 days in the semester it forces us to just focus on the major events of the 20th century this will give you the opportunity to focus on a particular era that you found interesting and allow you to delve deeper into it.
You Decide What You Want To Cover What you want to cover is completely up to you. If you want to focus on basic historical events that is completely fine. Maybe you have a particular interest such as sports, movies, music, cars or fashion you may make that the focus of your research. This may be a little more difficult to do but I encourage you to take the challenge. This assignment is wide open and you may combine the historical events with your particular interest as well.
Task Decide what decade you would like to do your book on between 1860 and 2000. Research 2 events that happened in each year of that decade . Write a brief description of the event and come up with one quiz question for each event. You will also need a picture to go along with each event
Format You have free choice on how to present your assignment. Word Timeline Powerpoint Paper book * Be sure to make it neat and follow the guidelines presented earlier. Be creative as well.
Time Frame You will only have today through Friday to complete this assignment It is recommended that you work diligently with the time you have allotted to you. Your assignment will be due by 11 p.m. Sunday May 6th. YOU MAY BEGIN!