Rice Data Interoperability WG update Pierre Larmande, Ramil Mauleon, Shaik Meera
RDI activities / deliverables Improve/expand membership remind everyone to register to RDI website (listed members) introduction letter to be sent to prospective members Set up a survey finish draft survey (D1) end of May (all in WG), we need to pattern our survey questions based on the outline of the proposed cookbook include AfricaRice and IRRI -- list of respondents: design of online survey form (web-based, on-line editing - ask Esther's help - May ) Open survey from June - Aug Work on the cookbook (D2) look at the template of cookbook from Wheat WG Use cases, FAQ contain other output deliverables (D3, D4, )
RDI activities / deliverables Evaluation of a prototype on Rice specific data registry (D3) - End September (data – survey existing, eg. Dryad, CKAN/DKAN , Dataverse, institutional repositories; analysis method publication - Galaxy, RDA DTR ,PID) ... Recommendations for ontologies appropriate for managing rice data (D4) - structured list of which ontologies relevant to rice are appropriate to different fields of study (concept map to -> appropriate ontologies) -- post shared list in RDI portal Good practices/method(s) for digitization of rice legacy data Digitization: -- few cases in India, Thailand, Japan, need to present the best cases and write up these best practices (Shaik) -- people / services (manual transcription/encoding): guidelines how to properly do this (QC..)