Goal 2 – Promote data integration and sharing Working across boundaries with the GCPO LCC to create a Conservation Planning Atlas AMY>>
Goal 2 - Provide support for conservation investment decisions Provide decision support tools that identify ecosystem services and economic benefits of conservation investments JANET>> Develop a white paper that proposes or maps a draft SALCC approach to economic analysis. Inventory ecosystem services for the SALCC Document the relative differences among geographic units in the effectiveness of providing those services, document the economic value of those services, document the current economic impact of those services
Goal 3- Facilitate collaboration to maximize conservation investment Initiate focused dialogue with select stakeholder groups. Priority: Private landowners. KEN>> The intent of this goal is to make sure that we are focusing on getting investment in the conservation actions identified in the blueprint. The Cooperative felt that it was important that we develop strategies to get conservation implemented. A basic need and a current gap is making sure that we have representatives of the 92% stakeholders at the table. Private landowners. We are starting this with some large timber owners, but clearly need to expand this to other landowner groups. We would welcome any suggestions by folks on how to go about this. Additionally, we anticipate engaging with utilities, councils of government, infrastructure planners, etc.
Goal 4 – Promote Data Integration and Sharing New Projects Database Website RUA>>
Goal 5 – Evaluate and Report Progress Annual Report Monthly Reports Web site Newsletter Web Forum Forest Service Liaison Triangle Climate & Landscape Researchers’ Brown Bag Newsday Tuesday (coming soon!) GINGER>> Evaluations won’t start until 2013, but reporting progress and sharing information is a huge part of my work. I try to keep everything up to date and get information out in a timely manner. If you are a member of our web site you will receive the newletter monthly in your inbox. This Web Forum will be held every month with a different topic. And you can see the other informative products (annual report, monthly reports) on our web site. As the FS Liaison I’m responsible for sharing information between the Forest Service and the LCC. One way I do this is by putting together monthly Triangle Climate and Landscape Researchers’ Brown Bags where researchers come together to talk about what they’re doing. I’ll be initiating another info-sharing mechanism soon, so be on the lookout for Newsday Tuesday!
Strategically the South Atlantic A “wordle” from our Strategic Plan GINGER>> As you can see, our SP, when broken down, is made up of many different activities involving many different people. Almost all of them involve collaboration. Blah blah blah something else…
Questions/Comments Questions or comments from presentation about Strategic Plan? Questions or comments in general about the SALCC, what we’re doing, where we’re going, etc.? Any questions from the updates? Janet’s call next week? Science needs assessment? Etc.
Contacts Ken McDermond – ken_mcdermond@fws.gov Rua Mordecai – rua@southatlanticlcc.org Janet Cakir – janet_cakir@nps.gov Amy Keister – amy_keister@fws.gov Laurie Rounds – laurie.rounds@noaa.gov Ginger Deason – ginger@southatlanticlcc.org GINGER>> Here are our email addresses if you would like to contact us after this forum.