10th Grade English Friday 22 Nov. 2013 Agenda: Socratic Seminar for Group 2 Period 3 only: Journal on Essays and Writing Goals Assign Ch 7 Reading Comprehension Questions Begin Reading Chapter 7 (14 pages) H/W: Begin working on your interpretive dance for the next Survivor Challenge! Dance Due Tuesday, 11/26.
Group Assignments Group 1: Ch 5 Discussion Questions 1-6 Choose 1 question to answer in a few thoughtful sentences. Please cite one quote from chapter 5 to support your answer. 1 Deeper-level Question You Create with Your Own Answer Answer your own question in a few thoughtful sentences. Cite a quote from chapters 1-6 to support your answer. Group 2: Ch 5 Discussion Questions 7-11
Socratic Seminar Protocol To participate, you must come with your discussion questions answered and quoted textual support for each answer. Inner Circle Expectations: You need to contribute at least twice You should be respectful of your classmates You respectfully disagree with their opinions, not the person
Socratic Seminar Protocol Outer Circle Expectations: You will write down answers and page numbers for quotes as they are shared You cannot contribute to the inner circle discussion You should not talk at all Please be respectful of the inner circle discussion
Socratic Seminar Socratic Seminar Observation Form Name of participant:_________________________ Topic of seminar:_____________________________________ Type of contribution: __ question Negatives: __ built on another idea __ Monopolizing __ clarification __ Shut down __ invited others/encouraged __ Personal attack __ made eye contact with others __Provided textual support for assertions __ Talked to Peer Comments: This is where I write feedback for you.
Ch 7 Vocab Sufficient: enough to meet a need or purpose. POS: adjective Sample Sentence: He purchased a sufficient amount of food for the camping trip.
Ch 7 Vocab Accessible: easily approached, or capable of being reached. POS: adjective Sample Sentence: Simon’s trail is accessible by pathways.
Ch 7 Vocab Infinite: having no boundaries or limits. POS: adjective Sample Sentence: The infinite stars in the sky go on and on and on.
Ch 7 Vocab Bravado: swagger, or a false sense of bravery. POS: noun Sample Sentence: He’s full of bravado, but he’s really a coward.
Ch 7 Reading Comp Questions What habit did Ralph restart? Who says, “You’ll get back to where you came from,”? What is Ralph talking about when he says, “It’s so big, I mean ---“? What made Ralph feel that hunting was good after all? How is Jack injured? What does Jack want to use a littun’ for? Who pretends to be the pig in the role-play? Who climbs to the top of the mountain by himself? Name the three characters that climb the mountain in search of the beast? Who goes back to camp to tell the others what’s going on? What is the beast that they see on the mountain? What do the boys leave behind on the mountain top?