Judaism & Christianity World History
Judaism Monotheistic- one god Abraham- Father of Israelites (Hebrews) Torah- central concept to Jewish faith, includes history of Jewish people, moral principles, laws, food preparation, cleanliness
Judaism Moses- most important prophet in Judaism, led enslaved Israelites out of Egypt to promised land. (Canaan). Diaspora- (spreading out) refers to exile of Jews from homeland. Synagogue- Jewish place of worship
Christianity Jesus- is the founder (born and raised Jewish) followed Jewish teachings New teachings became basis for New Testament Believed to be son of God- belief in him leads to spiritual salvation
Christianity Preached forgiveness, teachings appeal to the poor, lowly, and oppressed Baptism- important aspect of Christianity, sins forgiven Martyrs- people who die or suffer for their beliefs help spread Christianity
Christianity Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all recognize Abraham, Moses, and other prophets and share same creation story (Adam and Eve)
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve Naked