SUBSTITUTION 6th Grade Unit 5 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: Why is the Renaissance described as a rebirth of cultural and intellectual purists? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will use Quizlet to review and practice vocabulary terms for Lesson 1. Featured Source: Quizlet Flashcards Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Steps: Login in to the computer, laptop or iPad using your username and password. Use the link provided on You will review the vocabulary words for Chapter 20 Lesson 1 using the flashcard icon. Be prepared to participate in a class discussion over the vocabulary. Teacher Name: Shannon Fuselier School: LeBlanc MS Email Address: Special Considerations: Teacher Quizlet account is not necessary, but you may want to sign up to search or create your own Quizlet; is the link to this Quizlet Assessment: Formative assessment during the class discussion after students have reviewed and practiced the vocabulary; Teacher monitoring while students are using Quizlet.
Topic Question: Why is the Renaissance described as a rebirth of cultural and intellectual pursuits? 6th Grade Unit 5 Formative Performance Task 2 AUGMENTATION Description of Formative Performance Task: You will use the Quizlet to learn the vocabulary words for Chapter 20 Lesson 1. Steps: Login in to the computer, laptop or iPad using your username and password. Use the link provided by your teacher to get access to the Quizlet. You will review the vocabulary words for Chapter 20 Lesson 1 using the learn icon. This will be an informal assessment on your vocabulary knowledge. This activity will give immediate feedback as to correct or incorrect answers. Be prepared to participate in a class discussion over the vocabulary. Featured Source: Quizlet Learn Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Shannon Fuselier School: LeBlanc MS Email Address: Special Considerations: Teacher Quizlet account is not necessary, but you may want to sign up to search or create your own Quizlet; is the link to this Quizlet Assessment: Formative assessment during the class discussion after students have reviewed and practiced the vocabulary; Teacher monitoring while students are using Quizlet.
MODIFICATION 6th Grade Unit 5 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic Question: Why is the Renaissance described as a rebirth of cultural and intellectual pursuits? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will use the website to develop a timeline of the progression of events in Martin Luther’s life leading to reform. Featured Source: Read, Write, Think Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Steps: Students will work in pairs or groups and go to Locate an article on Martin Luther. Describe events in sequential order that show the progression of events in Luther’s life and his thought processes as he moved toward reform. Now you will go to the website Read,Write,Think and create an interactive timeline using your information. You will then save your timeline to Blackboard or the h drive. Teacher Name: Shannon Fuselier School: LeBlanc MS Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need to create a rubric for student expectations as they research and complete the timeline activity; You may be able to find a Content rubric on the website that you can use as a guide. Assessment: Summative Assessment-using rubric created by teacher.
REDEFINITION 6th Grade Unit 5 Summative Performance Task 4 REDEFINITION Topic Question: Why is the Renaissance described as a rebirth of cultural and intellectual pursuits ? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will evaluate 5 other group’s timelines from a class besides your own. Featured Source: Padlet Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access Steps: Login in to the computer, laptop or iPad using your username and password. Select 5 timelines from another class to evaluate on Blackboard or the h drive. Use the link provided by your teacher to get access to the Padlet. Answer the two questions on the Padlet. Teacher Name: Shannon Fuselier School: LeBlanc MS Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need a Padlet account; You will need to go to this link and Remake the Padlet for your students to respond on Assessment: Summative Assessment- Timelines will be scored using a rubric; Feedback on the Padlet may also be scored as part of the rubric.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Shannon Fuselier Louisiana Social Studies Standard: 6.2.10 Examine the significance of the people and ideas that influenced the Renaissance in Europe Why is the Renaissance described as a rebirth of cultural and intellectual pursuits? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will evaluate 5 other group’s timelines from a class besides your own. Padlet Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access You will use the website to develop a timeline of the progression of events in Martin Luther’s life leading to reform. Read, Write, Think . Laptop, desktop, or iPad with internet access You will use the Quizlet to learn the vocabulary words for Chapter 20 Lesson 1. Quizlet Learn You will use Quizlet to review and practice vocabulary terms for Lesson 1. Quizlet Flashcards REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.