iPassConnect A service designed for University business travelers who need to connect to the University network and Internet while off campus.
What is it? iPassConnect (http://www.ipass.com/) has over 19,000 points of presence (POPs) around the globe. Dial-up, wired broadband, and wireless connections. Their network allows users to connect to the Internet in 160 countries with a local or toll-free phone call, or via 802.11 wireless technology (e.g., Starbucks, McDonalds). 1/16/2019
Why was the service established? Central modem pool being retired August 2005. OVP Research expressed concern on behalf of faculty re: international connectivity. CUFS billing. 1/16/2019
How does it work? NetID authenticated. Connections are encrypted from end to end with the iSEEL service to ensure data integrity and security. Customized installers for PCs & Macs. 1/16/2019
How does a user get technical support? Software installation questions are supported by the NUIT Support Center at 1-HELP. Vendor provided Help Desk support is available 24/7. 1/16/2019
What does the service cost? $10/ month service fee plus usage. Usage costs range from $2.10/ hour for a local dial-up connection in North America to $18.00/ hour for a toll-free dial-up connection in remote areas of the world. T-Mobile 802.11 access points charged at $9.99/ day. This service can be turned on and off on a monthly basis as needed. 1/16/2019
How does a user order the service? Dean, director, or department chair needs to contact consulting-services@northwestern.edu with the user’s name, NetID to be activated, and CUFS number to which all charges should be billed. 1/16/2019
Other points of interest Charges are reflected on the NUIT monthly billing statement. PDA client by Spring 2005. 1/16/2019
Ordering/billing questions: Technical questions: consultant@northwestern.edu Ordering/billing questions: consulting-services@northwestern.edu 1/16/2019