The Acts of the Apostles Acts 14 – Preaching, Persecution, And Perseverance Sunday – October 29, 2017 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.
Speaking Boldly in the Lord, Acts 14:3 Purposes of gospel preaching Produce faith that leads to salvation, 14:1; Romans 10:13-15 (“call upon”); 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 (“through our gospel”); Hebrews 5:9 (“obey him”); James 2:17-26 (“not only by faith”) Oppose faithlessness, 14:13-18 (“vain things”) Strengthen the souls of the disciples, 14:22 “to support further, i.e. reestablish” (Strong) Use the teaching opportunities God gives, 14:27; Ephesians 6:19-20 (“speak boldly”) Bullet 1 – Verse 3 – for “boldly” (used 35 times in NT) see also Acts 4:3, 29, 31; 9:27, 29; 13:46; 18:26; 19:8; 28:31 (9 other times in Acts) Bullet 2 – Verse 15 – for “vain things,” “vanities” (KJV), “useless” (NKJV), “worthless” (NIV) see also I Peter 1:18 and I Corinthians 15:17 (both “vain manner of life”) Bullet 3 – Verse 22 – for “confirming,” “strengthening” (used four times in NT) see also Acts 15:32, 41; 18:23 Bullet 4 – Verse 27 – for “opened a door” see also I Corinthians 16:9 and II Corinthians 2:12
Lycaonia, Acts 14:6 A district of Asia Minor “… for the most part, a dreary plain, bare of trees, destitute of fresh water, and with several salt lakes” (Smith’s Bible Dictionary, 1863) “… the country is level, but not fertile, though peculiarly adapted to pasturage” (ATS Bible Dictionary, 1859) Major cities are: Lystra (Lustra) and Derbe (Derbe) The “speech of Lycaonia” is unknown today Lycaonia – “land of Lycon,” “wolf land”
Lystra, Acts 14:6-20 A Roman colonia in Lycaonia About 18 miles south of Iconium “… in a wild district and among a rude population” (Easton’s Bible Dictionary, 1893) A temple to Zeus (Jupiter) was located at the city and a statue of Hermes (Mercury) was in the vicinity (ISBE, 1915) Lystra – “dissolves,” “disperses”