A Powerpoint about ...and irony Prezi ...and irony
What is Prezi? Prezi is like powerpoint in that it is a presentation tool Unlike Powerpoint, however, prezi presentations are much more dynamic and visually appealing (if you use it properly)
How it works Instead of simply showing one slide after another (like Powerpoint does), Prezi dynamically pans and zooms from one “slide” to another. Prezi calls slides frames The screen becomes a virtual table top with your presentation frames scattered all about
The secret to creating a great Prezi Your job as the presenter is to layout the frames in a logical way, showing how each concept is linked and related to the next The camera should start by showing the entire table and all of the frames all at once. This gives the audience an overview of how everything fits together The camera zooms into the first frame of information as you discuss the topic. Subtopics related to the concept you are discussing should be contained within smaller frames located inside of the parent frame. The camera will zoom into the subtopic creating the illustration that the two concepts are not only related to one another, but that one is a component of and clearly dependant on the other.
The secret to creating a great Prezi When you finish discussing all sub topics, the camera will zoom out and move on to the next main topic frame, and the process repeats When you have finished, the camera should once again zoom out to show the entire table. This is called the big reveal. It’s the point when the audience will once again see how everything fits together and allows them to reflect on the flow and organization of the content. The big reveal is crucial in completing the picture in the minds of your audience and helps them retain and recall the information later. Don’t leave this step out.
Bad Prezi’s Poorly designed Prezi presentations display your information like a fancy version of powerpoint, simply scrolling and zooming from one frame to another in a linear or random order Prezi is a presentation tool, but it is not powerpoint! Do not attempt to use Prezi like Powerpoint There are some topics that are better suited for one system over the other. Use Prezi when it is appropriate for the material you are covering If you are upset that Prezi doesn’t do something that powerpoint does, it’s a good indication that you are using the wrong program Organization of information is what makes a Prezi POP. If you can’t create an overall flow or logically link one topic to another by nesting ideas inside of other concepts… use Powerpoint.
Main Menu The Main Menu allow you to see the prezi’s you have created and create new ones Click here to create a new Prezi Presentation
Choose a template or start from scratch Click here to see even more templates This shows you the newest templates available Get up and running fast by using a prezi template Click there to start from scratch
All of the frames in your presentation are listed here All of the frames in your presentation are listed here. The order of frames in this list determines the order each frame will be displayed in the final presentation Starting from scratch gives you a single frame and some places to enter text Starting from scratch
Adding new frames Click here to add a new frame You can choose from a variety of different styles Adding new frames
1. Here I have created a rectangular frame which I drew inside the larger circular frame Adding new frames 2. When this presentation runs, the camera will start zoomed out to see the larger circle frame. The next slide will cause the camera to zoom into the smaller rectangular frame until it fills the whole screen 2. When this presentation runs, the camera will start zoomed out to see the larger circle frame. The next slide will cause the camera to zoom into the smaller rectangular frame until it fills the whole screen Click on any of the frames in this list to zoom the camera instantly to that location to make editing easier
Adding text
You can add a variety of extra goodies to your Prezi from the “Insert” button Adding other stuff
Prezi allows you to do a google images search from directly inside Prezi! You should do this at home to avoid our web filter blocking all the pictures you want to use Adding images
Have you ever inserted an image and wished the background were transparent? Here’s how to do it! 1. Open Google Images and search for something 2. Click on “Search Tools” Cool Trick! 3. Click on the “Color” menu and change it to “transparent” 4. Click on an image you like Continued on next slide...
The image will appear at a higher resolution The image will appear at a higher resolution. If you see a checkered background, this image will have a transparent background when you copy/paste it into your Powerpoints and Prezi’s 1. The checkered pattern indicates a transparent background 2. Right click on the image to open the menu Cool Trick! 3. Click on “Copy image” then simply “Paste” it into your presentation with Ctrl+V
Navigating Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out Click and drag to pan Navigating
The gray numbers correspond to the order each slide will be displayed Changing Slide Order 2. Notice this frame does not have a number. It will not be displayed in the presentation. 3. To add the missing frame to the presentation, click the “edit path” button
Click on a number and drag it to a different frame to change the slide order Changing Slide Order Drag a number away from a frame and drop it onto nothing to remove the frame from the slideshow Click the small plus sign and drag it to a frame to add it to the presentation
Click here to start your presentation Click here to SAVE Don’t Forget!