Monday, May 7th Today we will finish working on our Emperor trading cards. Due tomorrow! Please use your class time wisely today Fill in agenda with: Finish Emperor trading cards.
Tuesday, May 8th Take the Rome Empire Map Activity Sheet and add it to your binder: Roman Empire Map Activity (pg. 36) We will be going over how Rome expanded Fill in agenda with: Turn in Emperor Trading Cards today How the empire expanded
Wednesday, May 9th All Emperor Trading cards should be turned in. Today we are going to watch Rome: Engineering an Empire. Please take lined paper and take notes on Rome to use on your posters tomorrow. Continue to work on binder covers. Binder covers will be due on June 1st Fill in agenda with: Rome video Binder covers due June 1st
Thursday, May 10th Today we will be making cause and effect posters for the Fall of the Roman Empire. Each group take a copy of the white poster paper (3 to a group) Take a copy of the Chain of Events – Roman Weaknesses paper. You will cut out all 33 events and spread them out and make your poster according to what you feel led to the fall of the roman empire. Fill in your agenda with: Fall of Roman Empire Cause and Effect Posters
Friday, May 11th Today we will finish watching Rome: Engineering an Empire and take notes. Fill in agenda with: Finish Rome video