Lesson Starter What 4 types of cells make up blood?


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson Starter What 4 types of cells make up blood? Which type of cell carries oxygen around the blood- what special features does it have to help it? What is the heart made of? What is the name of the 4 chambers in the heart?

Left and right ventricle Part of the heart Function Left and Right Atrium Collect blood Left and right ventricle Pump blood Vena Cava Carries deoxygenated blood to the heart Pulmonary Artery Carries blood from right ventricle to lungs Aorta The main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system Pulmonary Vein Receive oxygenated blood from the lungs Valves Prevent backflow of blood

Learning Intention To discuss and be able to identify the different parts of the heart To being to learn about the pathway of blood through the heart To be able to describe the different types of blood vessels in the circulatory system

Try to answer the questions on the board as you watch the video https://www.twig-world.com/experiment/dissection-heart-4179/0 Try to answer the questions on the board as you watch the video

One way system One way system- valves prevent backflow Between beats- heart relaxed and fills with blood Atria contract- blood forced to ventricles Ventricles contract- force blood out of heart

Circulation of blood through the heart Blood high in oxygen is called oxygenated blood Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs… in the pulmonary vein enters the left atrium into the left ventricle out through the aorta to the body

enters the right atrium into the right ventricle Blood low in oxygen is called deoxygenated blood. Deoxygenated blood returns from the body tissues… in the vena cava enters the right atrium into the right ventricle out through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where it picks up oxygen

Blood flow: stick w/s in jotter Colour the blood coming from the capillaries in the lungs red (A), this vessel takes blood to the heart Colour the left side of the heart red (B) Look for the blood vessel taking blood out of the left side of the heart. Colour it red (C) Colour the blood that moves away from the capillaries in other parts of the body purple (D) Colour the right side of the heart purple (E) Colour the blood vessel that takes blood away from the right hand side of the heart purple (F)

Arteries Carry Blood AWAY from the heart (always oxygenated apart from the pulmonary artery which goes to the lungs) Thick elastic walls, small passageways- withstand high pressure Pulsate Deep in body- protect them

Veins Carry blood BACK to the heart (always de-oxygenated apart from the pulmonary vein which goes from the lungs to the heart) Thin walled Large internal passageways, Low pressure, – so low it needs valves One way system- valves

Capillaries Tiny Walls only one cell thick Permeable (unlike arteries and valves) Diffusion of useful substances eg gas exchange

Blood vessels and circulation (copy) Blood is carried round the body in blood vessels. There are 3 major types of blood vessel: Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins. Blood is carried AWAY from the heart in the ARTERIES at HIGH PRESSURE and is carried back to the heart in the VEINS at LOW PRESSURE. Veins have VALVES to prevent backflow of blood- ensuring that the blood is circulated one way.

Move to the correct corner Carries blood away from the heart Is permeable Carries blood back to the heart Has valves Carries blood at high pressure Is only one cell thick Deep in the body to protect them

Choose a picture and explain how it relates to what you have learnt today