Monday 12 November – Sunday 25 November Exam success ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AT FINAL EXAMS ➢ The Academic Misconduct Rule applies to examinations ➢ There are sanctions for academic misconduct. Don’t risk it! ➢ By cheating at exams, you affect your progress and future professional success. Exams help verify the presence of knowledge and skillsets that employers want from you. Getting ready for exams Have you… ➢ checked your exam timetable? ➢ read important exam information? ➢ identified topics that are likely to be examined? ➢ checked for past exam papers, if available? ➢ practiced Study Smart techniques for exams? ➢ planned your STUVAC time to balance study with rest? ➢ formed a study group with your peers? ➢ learnt about Deferred Exam Applications and Special Considerations during the formal exam period in case of serious extenuating circumstances? Simple tips for exam success ➢ Let your friends, family & employers know about exams and secure their support in creating time and space for study ➢ Allow plenty of time to revise for exams ➢ Get a good night’s sleep the night before ➢ Arrive at the exam venue at least 20 minutes in advance and have your ID ready ➢ Follow Academic Integrity guidelines ➢ Have strategies to deal with mind blanks during exams ➢ Celebrate after exams are over! EXAM PERIOD: Monday 12 November – Sunday 25 November Every student has an individual exam timetable. Exams can be held on a campus other than your usual campus of study