Finding the right notes: an observational study of score and recording seeking behaviors of music students Kirstin Dougan Music and Performing Arts Librarian University of Illinois November 19, 2013 Finding the Right Notes
Finding the Right Notes Problem Statement(s) How Music Students find Three part problem—first, multitude of formats, second, multitude of titles forms; third, multitude of sources Finding the Right Notes
Finding the Right Notes Methodology This is a follow-up to an earlier study of mine that surveyed ~80 students 15 students 10 undergraduates 5 graduate students across music sub disciplines Observation of six tasks (including five known-item searches and one genre search) and brief interview, done by assistant so as not to intimidate Flickr: Marina del Castell __MaRiNa__ Finding the Right Notes
How Music Students Find Stuff Analysis Which tools Starting points Search techniques Success Where do they start--is the library catalog a last resort, or do they start there, but abandon it in frustration What tool(s) do they use? What search techniques do they use? Do they find what they need (and how do they evaluate results?) Differences between grads and undergrads How Music Students Find Stuff
How Music Students Find Stuff Outcomes Still in analysis stage, but so far: Catalog (and/or Easy Search) > Other tools Location while searching matters Requirements of end use matter Many more use catalog than assumed; although some did say they would use YT for fun stuff Location counts (if at library, use library); some don’t have internet at apt End use matters—many prefer to buy own copy (want to keep track of own markings; much more likely for musicians to have later need for a score or recording, but some can’t afford it) How Music Students Find Stuff
How Music Students Find Stuff Next Steps Further data analysis Transaction log study in Easy Search MPAL module Collection use study including physical and online media resources Transaction log analysis in catalog not possible due to CARLI IP data restrictions How Music Students Find Stuff