WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION (Phil. 2:12) Intro: What Does Work Have to Do With Our Salvation? A. Calvinism teaches “No Works” Save. B. “Faith Only” Is Very Popular View. C. Some Appeal To Scripture To Try To Prove This Idea. What Sayeth The Scriptures?
WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION (Phil. 2:12) A STUDY OF THE CONTEXT 1:7 Partakers of grace with Paul 1:10 Sincerity & Without Offense 1:11 Fruit of Righteousness Through Christ (1:22; 1 Jn 3:7). 2:7-8 Christ’s Example – Obey (Hb 5:9). 2:12 “So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed… but now much more…”
WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION (Phil. 2:12) A STUDY OF THE CONTEXT 2:12 “…Work out your own salvation…” 2:20-22 What is the proof of one’s heart? (Pr. 20:11) 2:25 Fellow-worker, fellow-soldier? 2:30 There is “work” that is “of Christ”! 2:4-6 NOT human doctrines & accomplishments 2:8-9 NOT of the Law, But by faith!
WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION (Phil. 2:12) A STUDY OF THE CONTEXT 3:12 “I press on… that I may lay hold on what that for which also I was laid on by Christ” 3:13 “I count not myself yet to have laid hold…” (Calvinism says you have!) 3:15-16 How were they made perfect? (Cf. Js 2:10 vs. 2:22; Acts 16:25-34) (Cf. Rom. 3:21-30; Mt. 13:14-15)
WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION (Phil. 2:12) A STUDY OF THE CONTEXT 4:1-3 Why exhort them is there was no danger of falling? 4:8-9 God being with us is conditional! 4:13 He strengthens us… why? SO WE CAN WORK (4:17)! 4:23 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.”