NIIF’s Report to the NANC on Issue #0173, “Toll Free Record Application Performance Guidelines” by David H. Bench
Description of Issue- Accepted at NOC #23 - May 8, 2000 ~Acceptance Date~ Accepted at NOC #23 - May 8, 2000
Description of Issue- ~Issue Statement~ There are currently no established industry guidelines for measuring the overall performance for the updating and flow of toll free records from the RESPORG through the SMS/800 Database (DB) to the SCP DB back through the SCP DB through the SMS 800 DB to the RESPORG.
Description of Issue- ~Issue Statement~ (cont’d) There are no unified benchmark documents, no end-to-end system demonstrated measurements to ensure quality, and no documented Level of Service Agreements by which to monitor end-to-end system performance. System congestion has increased with the advent of new codes, increases in NPA Splits, system functionality changes, record complexity, and the number of partitions within the SMS/800 database.
Description of Issue- ~Suggested Resolution~ The NIIF should establish end to end performance measurement guidelines for toll free record flow from the RESPORG to the SMS/800 DB and to the SCP.
Description of Issue- ~Suggested Resolution~ The OBF/SNAC Task Force has requested assistance from the NIIF in establishing guidelines. The NIIF will develop performance guidelines in cooperation with the SNAC Task Force and should provide an overall interconnection template for timely downloads and load management of toll free records through the system. Other items to be considered include parameters for maintenance windows, redundancy and downtime. The SNAC has already indicated in recent correspondence to the FCC that positive steps are needed, such as new system measurements and interconnection arrangements to partially address the problem.
Meetings/Calls Held August 28, 2000 Conference Call September 12, 2000 Conference Call September 25-26, 2000 Interim Meeting October 16-17, 2000 NOC #25 Meeting October 27, 2000 Conference Call November 3, 2000 Conference Call November 17, 2000 Netconference December 4, 2000 Netconference December 14, 2000 NOC #26 Meeting December 21, 2000 Netconference
Previous Milestones Reached SMS/800 Architecture Overview Presentation to NIIF-NOC Document Outline Developed Contributions to Draft Document Began Review of Draft Document
New Milestones Reached Began Developing Performance Records Matrix Forwarded Matrix and Questions to the SMT SMT Tutorial and Matrix Input at NOC #26 Continued Editing Draft Toll Free Record Applications Performance Guidelines -Developed Responsibilities Section Consolidation of Matrix Contributions During NOC #26.1 Netconference
Path Forward January 25, 2001 Netconference February 12-13, 2001 - NOC #27 Meeting Initial Closure of Issue Not Expected Before NOC #27