Building Capacity on Protected Areas Law & Governance Module 2 Exercise 1 Understanding the Nature & Relationship Between “Governance”, “Protected Areas” & the Law Photo: Sunset in the desert, Douz, Tunisia. Sourced from Shutterstock (Image ID No. 131151848) © Marques Governance Principles & Approaches
Background Purpose Structure Build learners’ knowledge of the definition of “protected areas” Create awareness of the concept of “governance”. Enable learners to critically explore the relationship between the concepts of “protected areas”, “governance” and the law. Structure Introduction to Exercise (10 minutes) Small Group Work (60 minutes) Joint Class Discussion (40 minutes) Consolidation (10 minutes) NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Briefly explain the Purpose of the Exercise. Briefly explain the Structure of the Exercise.
Key Definitions “Protected Area” Governance Law “A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” Governance “The interactions among structures, processes and traditions that determine how power and responsibilities are exercised, how decisions are taken and how citizens or other stakeholders have their say.” Law “The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.” NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Highlight the following key Definitions: “Protected Area” - IUCN definition. “Governance” - IUCN definition. “Law” - Oxford Dictionary definition.
Understanding the intersection Law Protected Areas Governance NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Highlight again that the key purpose of this Exercise is critically explore the relationship between the concepts of “protected areas”, “governance” and the law.
The Matrix Elaboration of particular element of PA definition Who exercises authority in a PA and how Rules that deal with who exercises authority in a PA and how NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Indicate that will use a Matrix for the purpose of exploring the relationship between the three concepts. Matrix is adapted from one found in the IUCN Protected Areas Governance Guidelines (2013) It comprises of four columns: Column 1 - Lists key terms contained in the definition of protected area. Column 2 - Contains some elaboration as to what is meant by the term. Column 3 - Lists key governance issues to arise relating to the specific term. Column 4 - Lists key legal issues relating to the the specific term. Completing all the columns of the Matrix will enable the learner to more fully understand the relationship between protected areas, governance and the law. Emphasise the following key difference: Governance - dealing with the issue of authority - who exercises authority and how. Law - dealing with the rules which govern who exercises authority and how.
The Task provided blank blank NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Indicate that the task of each group is to complete the Matrix. Indicate that the second column is already complete. Drawing from the knowledge conveyed to them in the Seminar Presentation, groups need to discuss and complete the third and fourth columns of the Matrix. When completing the Matrix, phrase the issues under Column 3 & 4 in the form of questions. You may want to run through the first issue on the Matrix as an example of what you expect. Highlight to the Learners that there is no one correct answer and that the purpose of the exercise is to think laterally and creatively. Before sending groups on their way to complete the Matrix remind the groups that: Governance - dealing with the issue of authority (who exercises authority and how). Law - the rules which govern who exercises authority and how.