Presentation Outline Purpose of Presentation Vision and Mission Strategic Objectives Legislative Review Reconfiguration of the Macro-Organizational Structure Conducting of Skills Audit to all Employees Strategic Budgeting information Sustainability on Education Support Sustainability on HealthCare Support SRD for destitute military veterans Policy development on Pension benefit Empowerment of military veterans. 2
Presentation Outline……(2) Honouring military veterans Development of Service Delivery Model (SDM) and Stakeholder Management Service Delivery Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Governance, Risk and Compliance Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Protocol Agreements with Organs of State - Provincial/ National Departments and Municipalities Areas of Intra/ Intergovernmental Integration Conclusion 3
Purpose of the Presentation To appraise the Joint Standing Committee on Defence (JSCD) about the status of the Department of Military Veterans on its performance and the delivery of military veterans’ benefits as listed in the Section 5(1) of Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011. 4
Vision & Mission Vision Mission "A dignified, unified, empowered and self-sufficient military veterans’ community”. Mission To facilitate delivery and co-ordinate all activities that recognise and entrench the restoration of dignity and appreciation of the contribution of Military Veterans to our Freedom and Nation Building. 5
MV Strategic Objectives Recognising and honouring military veterans in life and memorialising them in death for their sacrifices on behalf of the nation; Improving the quality of life for military veterans and that of their dependants; Providing a comprehensive delivery system of benefits and services for military veterans; Strengthening structures, systems, policies, processes and procedures Ensuring a smooth and seamless transition of military veterans from active military service to civilian life; Ensuring that military veterans as a resource to enhance the national work force and contribute to the prosperity and development of the country; and Contributing toward reconciliation and nation building. 6
Legislative Review The process of amending the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 was approved for onward transmission to the Parliament. The draft amendments were approved by the Minister in May 2017. The process had commenced but not yet finalised. The amendment is necessary to further enhance service delivery to military veterans. The Military Veterans Benefits Regulations will also be reviewed. 7
Strategy Map Outcome &Impact Output Deliverables Activities Inputs Proud , unified, dignified and empowered Military Veterans community Proud , unified, dignified and empowered Military Veterans community Output Deliverables D1: Strategic direction D3: Empowerment and Stakeholder Relations Management Services D2: Socio Economic Support Services D4: Ensure the provision of Sound Policy and Administration Activities P1: Administer the DMV P2: Enable the DMV P3: Deliver the Services Inputs R3: Ensure Adequate DMV Infrastructure, estate management and logistics services R1: Ensure professional & Supported DMV Human Resources R5: Ensure sound Financial Management of the DMV R4: Ensure Integrated and Reliable DMV Information and Intelligence Investing in the Future F1: Ensure Appropriate Research and Policy ) F2: Promote Global Presence F4: Promote adequate footprint F3: Ensure Consensus on Military Veterans Version 1 8
Macro-Organizational Structure (2010) 9
Reconfiguration of the DMV Organizational Structure Meeting held with DPSA and National Treasury on the 20 April 2018. It was agreed that a Project Team be established which will amongst other things review the Service Delivery Model. The DMV constituted the Project Team and had its first meeting on the 01 June 2018 and then on a fortnightly basis. The Project Team noted that the Department must review its strategy to be in line with its mandate on the basis of “structure-follows-process-follows-strategy”. The Project Team agreed that the Departmental Strategy and the Service Delivery Model will be reviewed 10
Conducting of Skills Audit to all Employees The department has procured a service provider to implement the Skills audit The process for implementation will commence during the week of 11 June 2018 11
Strategic Budgeting information Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate Programme 2017/18 Provisional Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate R million Actual Final Appropriation %Spend 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Administration 140.5 148.6 95% 127.6 136.1 144.6 Socio-Economic Support 356.5 357.5 100% 336.8 356.8 377.6 Empowerment and Stakeholder Management 104.4 116.0 90% 162.8 171.7 181.2 Total 601.5 622.1 97% 627.1* 664.5* 703.6* * Rounded down to balance with AENE Chapter 13
Strategic Budgeting information Programme 2017/18 Provisional Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate R million Actual Final Appropriation %Spend 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 116.2 117.8 99% 122.3 131.5 141.4 Goods and Services 199.7 213.3 94% 263.8 278.4 293.6 Transfers and Subsidies 280.5 234.2 247.3 260.9 Capital Expenditure 7.1 10.5 67% 6.9 7.3 7.8 Total 601.5 622.1 97% 627.1* 664.5* 703.6* * Rounded down to balance with AENE Chapter 14
Education Support In realising MTSF Outcome 1 & 4: Improved-quality basic education and NDP Chapter 9: Improving Education, Training and Innovation: The Department in the previous financial year assisted 7 712 eligible military veterans and their dependants with Education Support. This includes 4 966 in basic education and 2 746 at tertiary education. The number of applicants of 2018 Academic Year is 10 557 To date 148 beneficiaries of the education support benefit have graduated from universities, 74 of whom graduated in 2017 academic year. There remain management and capacity problems in dealing with these issues. 15
Healthcare Support In realizing MTSF Outcome 2: A long and healthy life for all South Africans and NDP Chapter 10: Promoting Health The Department has approved increased access to healthcare services through the South African Military Health Services (SAMHS ) to 16 673 military veterans. Challenges are being experienced in the level of services provided by SAMHS, transporting of Military Veterans, provision of medication, delays in invoicing and provision of accurate invoicing. 16
Social Relief of Distress (SRD) for destitute military veterans 17 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) for destitute military veterans In recognising MTSF Outcome 13: Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all and NDP Chapter 6: An integrated and inclusive economy, human capital, social security, food security and basic services. SRD is a programme established by Ministerial Intervention in which is not part of the listed benefits in the Act In 2017/18 2 832 military veterans and their dependants were provided with Social Relief of Distress to mitigate their suffering. Implementation of the assistance had problems due to policy guidelines which state that a Military veterans must be assessed by a social worker before receiving the assistance and the duration is 12 months. Military veterans receiving SRD are encouraged to access skills development support to create sustainable solution to their status. 17
Policy development on Pension benefit 18 The Department’s resources are not yet geared for the delivery of this benefit. A Regulation needs to be developed. The Department will consult with key stakeholders for funding in the next MTEF. 18
Empowerment of military veterans. 19 In recognising MTSF Outcome 5: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth and NDP Chapter 3:Economy and Employment 114 military veterans were provided with access to business empowerment opportunities The Department will continue to work with National Treasury and its Central Supplier Database to ensure that companies of military veterans benefit from their designated status as a priority group in the preferential procurement processes as pronounced by the Minister of Finance during the MTEF in 2017 The Department needs to engage further with the Department of Defence plus other organs of state to support businesses of military veterans. 19
Honouring military veterans 20 Honouring military veterans In recognising MTSF Outcome 14: Nation building and social cohesion and NDP Chapter 15: Transforming society and uniting the country and Promoting social cohesion across society and righting the wrongs of the past 272 families were provided with burial support. There have been no new developments with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Project during the 2017/18FY. A pilot project on erection of headstones was rolled-out in 2017/18 and at least 20 headstones have been erected at the graves of deceased military veterans. A committee was formed to oversee the project for the repatriation and the handover of the remains of 17 Pan African Congress (POQO) members who were arrested in Paarl in 1962 and hanged at the gallows in Pretoria between 1962 and 1968. Their remains were handed over to families on 23 March 2018, with reburials scheduled to take place during 2018/19 financial year. 20
Development of Service Delivery Model (SDM) and Stakeholder Management 21 Development of Service Delivery Model (SDM) and Stakeholder Management Department will launch a Service Delivery Model which will include service centres in all provinces. The service centres will bring the delivery of benefits closer to military veterans. This will be strengthened by stronger intergovernmental relations wherein other organs of state have pledged to serve military veterans in their respective jurisdictions. The Department will increase its engagements with its key stakeholders. This year the Department will prepare for an elective conference of SANMVA. 21
22 Protocol Agreements with Organs of State - Provincial/ National Departments and Municipalities to enhance service delivery: DMV has signed a protocol agreement with the Eastern Cape Provincial government. A provincial roadshow cemented this agreement in February. It is also engaged the Mpumalanga, Gauteng and North West Provincial governments to enter into written agreements to create alternative service delivery models to strengthen service delivery to military veterans. Provincial and Local governments that have allocated and provided support to the military veterans and their businesses are commended. 22
Service Delivery Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Challenges A gap exists between funds received and the expected output in terms of benefits. Funding Model need to be revisited by classifying benefits for the different categories of military veterans and prioritising them according to funding. The information in the military veterans database not completely verified to ensure that services are delivered to actual military veterans and their dependants. Implementation of a fully integrated benefits management system. A need for the implementation of all aspects of the Military Veterans Act, including the Means Test. Verification of database. Reliance and dependency on other organs of state, e.g. DHS and NSFAS for the delivery of key benefits. Strengthening communication with partners and project management capacity in DMV. Review of service delivery model for provision of housing. 23
Governance, Risk And Compliance Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Service Delivery Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Governance, Risk And Compliance Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Governance, Risk And Compliance Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Challenges Mitigation strategies Conducive and accessible Head Office building Procurement of new accessible and secure Head Office Building. Which separates service centre from back office. Limited Provincial Office space. Procurement of six Provincial Office space to be finalised. Currently the Department has three functioning provincial offices in North West, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga. 24
Governance, Risk And Compliance Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Non alignment of the approved organisational structure and service delivery requirements. Finalization of the organisational structure. Inadequate information management systems, financial controls and policies. Strengthening of the internal controls, policies and regulations. Inadequately resourced and functioning Internal Audit Unit that identifies and recommends. corrective action effectively. Internal Audit unit to be adequately resourced and function effectively. 25
Areas of Interdepartmental/ Intergovernmental Integration Department/ Organ of State Benefit Requirement DHS Housing Provision of houses to Military Veterans Basic and Higher Education & Training Education support The military veterans and their dependents are provided with education support. For Higher education this is done through NSFAS SETAs Empowerment and skills training Skilling, Re-Skilling, Job Placements, Enterprise Development Assessment of skills, Recognition of Prior Learning and Trade Testing DoD (SAMHS) DSD (Social Development) Healthcare and wellness Military Veterans are provided with access to health care services Social Welfare of military veterans DAC (Arts and Culture) Heritage and Memorialisation Partnership on delivering the Liberation, Resistance and Heritage Route programme Department of Transport Transport Subsidisation or provisioning of public transport; 26
Conclusion That the JSCD take cognisance of the Status of the Department and its Performance that is aligned to the: Executive Authority (EAs) Priorities, MTSF Government Outcomes, National Development Plan (NDP) 27
Thank you!!!!!!!