FLIP LEARNING TASK: Using what you have learnt this lesson, I would like you to: - Come up with 3 argument for and against the following statement: ‘Henry had nothing to fear from the nobility’ You should then write a conclusion as to whether you think this statement is true or not. 2. You have also been given a sheet which either says ‘Ordinary revenue’ OR ‘Extraordinary revenue’. Using pages 22-23 of the textbook you will need to fill in your sheet with the relevant information. If your are looking at ORDINARY revenue you are allowed 50 words per hexagon and EXTRAORDINARY 30 words per hexagon. At the end of last lesson you were given this independent learning. Its now time to see what you have come up with. We are going to hold a debate based on the statement ‘Henry had nothing to fear from the nobility’. Your name will be selected at random and I would like to hear your conclusion and the evidence you have to support. Anything you have missing from your homework should be added in green pen.
So where did Henry VII get his income from? King were expected to ‘live off their own’. HVII swore to do this in his coronation. This meant they had to manage their regular income. Task: For your homework you were asked to fill in your hexagons in relation to ORDINARY or EXTRAORDINARY revenue. You will now need to pair up with someone with someone with the opposite information and teach each other the information. You have each been given a second worksheet to record your new information. Once you have completed, I would then like you to write an answer as to which was the most effective form of income for Henry VII? Explain why. Good learning Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finance Great learning Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better Evaluate how Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were
Good learning Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finance Great learning Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better Evaluate how Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were https://create.kahoot.it/#user/02978d17-8b9e-4c25-b0d7-6bcf2c77b842/kahoots/created
How well did Henry VII build up his control over his country? Good learning: Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finances. Great learning: Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better: Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were Key Word: In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period?
Lets discuss… Task: 1. This shows Henry VII’s monograph against every entry of the accounts from the Treasurer of the Chamber What might this suggest about HVII’s approach to finance? 2. Why does Henry VII need money? Use the following points to discuss: Personal – what’s he got to pay for Policies – what does he need to fund / finance Power – how does money link with his ‘power’ Good learning Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finance Great learning Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better Evaluate how Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were
Write down in order of importance and explain your order Why did Henry VII need financial solvency? Instability Money could be used to tackle any threats Rebellions – needs money to put them down Power For Henry power, the extension of power and money all went together He told Henry Wyatt ‘the kings my predecessors, weakening their treasure, have made themselves servants to their subjects’ Henry wanted to make the crown financially independent of Parliament, so he didn't have to rely on Parliament granting him sums of money. Succession Henry also wanted to leave his successor a full treasury to ensure that he would have the means to fight for his succession if necessary. Task: Write down in order of importance and explain your order Good learning Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finance Great learning Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better Evaluate how Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were
So what changes to government were made? 12th Century: Finance had been dealt with by the Exchequer Receive, store and pay out money, audit accounts Complex hierarchy of official to avoid corruption = slow!! Yorkist King’s Chamber system: Informal and flexible (because it is new) Based on systems used by nobles on their estates King’s Chamber dealt with the King’s finance (control) First 2 years of HVII reign, not experienced enough to carry this on (goes back to the exchequer) So focused on security he neglected his estates Richard III reign estates = £25,000 vs. 1486 = £12,000 1487: Restored the Chamber system 1490’s: handling annual turnover of £100,000 (£4 million) Dealt with all income apart from custom duties (Exchequer) Privy Chamber became the National Treasury from 1487 Deal with private expenditure Groom of the stool becomes 2nd important to treasurer Head of finance: Treasurer of England (theory) vs. Treasurer of the Chamber (reality) Used trusted Councillors (Sir Reginald Bray) to regularly audit government spending.
How convincing is this interpretation in relation to Henry VII’s financial policy? Task: Stick in the middle of your pages. Read through and highlight the different arguments. Annotate around the edge the arguments you find convincing in one colour and anything not in a separate colour Good learning Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finance Great learning Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better Evaluate how Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were
Overall, how successful and innovative were Henry’s financial policy? Not very successful Very successful Post its to stick on Good learning Understand the changes Henry VII made in relation to finance Great learning Explain how Henry VII increased his royal income Even better Evaluate how Evaluate how successful and innovative Henry’s financial policies were
Your tasks for next lesson are as follows: On the blog there is a sheet called ‘How vulnerable was England in late 15th Century Europe?’. You will need to revise and learn this for next lesson. You might even want to create your own version! Also, using the information on page 28, write down what Henry’s problems are in terms or foreign policy and also what his aims were. You have also been given a number between 1 and 6. You will need to create a cartoon strip or flow diagram that explains what happens. Use pages 28-30 to help collect your information in the Henry VIII textbook. (you will be teaching the rest of the class with this information next lesson so make sure you have it!). FLIP LEARNING Your tasks for next lesson are as follows: ENGLAND: Navigation Acts (1485-86) and An Act (1489) SPAIN: Treaty Medina del Campo (1489) ITALY: Florence/Venice (1490) BRITTANY/FRANCE: Breton Crisis (1488-92) BURGUNDY: Intercursus Magnus (1496) SCOTLAND: Truce of Ayton (1497)
HVII: Extraordinary Revenue
HVII: Ordinary Revenue