Accuracy Activity: Memory 9.2 Accuracy Activity: Memory
Memory **Keep in “Normal” mode (not Slideshow)** Words from: ai, ay, ee, ey Words hidden beneath in 4x4 matrix One S. chooses two cards (e.g., C-3 and B-4); T. slides each to reveal the words hidden beneath, points to each word and prompts: Everyone—What word? S. respond chorally. T. prompts: Is this a match? If a match is made, T. prompts S. who chose the cards: Justify that match, please! If S. justifies correctly, S. team takes the pair. If a match is not made, cards are replaced. T. takes a turn. S. chorally read words. Continue until all matches are made.
A B C D 1 grain ray attain display 2 succeed available claim turkey 3 holiday creek fleet layer 4 misdeed exceed monkey greet