Evolution What is my role as a teacher? Should you believe everything I tell you? Should you believe anything?
So what is evolution?
Do all plants look the same. Do all animals look the same. Why Do all plants look the same? Do all animals look the same? Why? Why does evolution produce variety?
Animal Evolution What is my role as a teacher? Should you believe everything I tell you? Should you believe anything?
Opposable Thumbs What is my role as a teacher? Should you believe everything I tell you? Should you believe anything?
Do this with your thumb. Grab a pencil Do this with your thumb. Grab a pencil. Why do you think that thumbs were important?
Frontal Lobe (brain) What is my role as a teacher? Should you believe everything I tell you? Should you believe anything?
What is the difference between the different skulls you see here?
What are the differences in the brains you see here What are the differences in the brains you see here? Why is that important?