J.D. Schneeberger ITSVA Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA 6 June 2014 Applications for the Environment: Real-Time Information Synthesis (AERIS) J.D. Schneeberger ITSVA Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA 6 June 2014 “Cleaner Air Through Smarter Transportation”
Overview Connected Vehicle Overview AERIS Research Program Initial Modeling Results Next Steps How to Get Involved (or Stay Involved) in the AERIS Program
Transportation Challenges Safety 32,367 highway deaths in 2011 5.3 million crashes in 2011 Leading cause of death for ages 4, 11–27 Mobility 5.5 billion hours of travel delay $121 billion cost of urban congestion As is widely discussed, the nation’s transportation system has safety, mobility, and environmental challenges. The USDOT believes that Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) solutions and, in particular, connected vehicles can be used to significantly improve the safety, operations, and environmental impact on the transportation system. The safety and mobility challenges are well documented. We’ve all seen the safety and mobility numbers. But I wanted to focus on some of the environmental statistics. The transportation sector accounts for 27% of all greenhouse gas emissions and 70% of petroleum consumption in the United States Surface vehicles (light vehicles, trucks, etc.) account for 84% of transports greenhouse gas emission And estimates show that the U.S. wastes 2.9 billion gallons of fuel each year. Environment Transport sector accounts for 27% of GHG emissions and 70% of petroleum consumption Surface vehicles represent almost 84% of the transport sector GHG in the US 2.9 billion gallons of wasted fuel
Fully Connected Vehicles Vehicle Data: Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Brake Status, Turn Signal Status, Vehicle Length, Vehicle Width, Bumper Height Infrastructure Data: Signal Phase and Timing, Drive 35 mph, 50 Parking Spaces Available Transition: The connected vehicle concept is illustrated here. The idea is that vehicles equipped with dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) radios will broadcast information such as their location, speeds, and direction of travel at a rate of 10 times per second. These messages can be sent to other vehicles to support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) safety applications or to infrastructure using vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications to support mobility, safety, and environmental applications. What this picture does not show is data being transmitted to the traveler via cellular technology. DSRC is recommended for many of the safety applications. For other applications, it will be possible to use cellular, 4G, and satellite. USDOT is not recommending specific communications technology for those applications.
Connected Vehicle Research Program Safety Mobility Environment V2V V2I Real-Time Data Capture Dynamic Mobility Apps AERIS Road Weather Apps Applications Harmonization of International Standards & Architecture Human Factors Technology Systems Engineering Certification The USDOT has a comprehensive research program that has engaged a wide range of stakeholders including the federal government, state agencies, the private sector, and vehicle manufacturers.. Research is focused in three areas: (1) applications, (2) technology, and (3) policy. Application research seeks to address the safety, mobility, and environmental challenges discussed earlier. Technology research crosscuts the application research investigating Connected Vehicle Standards, human factors research, certification, and test environments such as Virginia’s Affiliated Connected Vehicle Test Bed in Northern Virginia. And last but not least, there is ongoing policy research that is looking at things like potential deployment scenarios, financing and investment models, and operations and governance. Test Environments Deployment Scenarios Financing & Investment Models Policy Operations & Governance Institutional Issues
AERIS Research Objectives Vision – Cleaner Air through Smarter Transportation Encourage the development and deployment of technologies and applications that support a more sustainable relationship between surface transportation and the environment through fuel use reductions and more efficient use of transportation services Objectives – Investigate whether it is possible and feasible to: Identify connected vehicle applications that could provide environmental impact reduction benefits via reduced fuel use, improved vehicle efficiency, and reduced emissions Facilitate and incentivize “green choices” by transportation service consumers (i.e., system users, system operators, policy decision makers, etc.) Identify vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to- grid (V2G) data (and other) exchanges via wireless technologies of various types Model and analyze connected vehicle applications to estimate the potential environmental impact reduction benefits Develop a prototype for one of the applications to test its efficacy and usefulness So what is AERIS? AERIS stands for Application for the Environment: Real-Time Information Synthesis. The vision for this program is “Cleaner Air Through Smarter Transportation”. Employing a multi-modal approach, the AERIS Research Program aims to encourage the development of technologies and applications that support a more sustainable relationship between transportation and the environment chiefly through fuel use reductions and resulting emissions reductions. AERIS applications leverage vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) data (and other) exchanges via wireless technologies of various types. These applications are specifically designed to facilitate and incentivize “green choices” by transportation service consumers of all types including system users, system operators, policy decision makers, etc.
AERIS OPERATIONAL SCENARIOS & APPLICATIONS ECO-SIGNAL OPERATIONS Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections (similar to SPaT ) Eco-Traffic Signal Timing (similar to adaptive traffic signal systems) Eco-Traffic Signal Priority (similar to traffic signal priority) Connected Eco-Driving (similar to eco-driving strategies) Wireless Inductive/Resonance Charging i ECO-TRAVELER INFORMATION AFV Charging/Fueling Information (similar to navigation systems providing information on gas station locations) Eco-Smart Parking (similar to parking applications) Dynamic Eco-Routing (similar to navigation systems) Dynamic Eco-Transit Routing (similar to AVL routing) Dynamic Eco-Freight Routing (similar to AVL routing) Multi-Modal Traveler Information (similar to ATIS) Connected Eco-Driving (similar to eco-driving strategies) ECO-LANES Eco-Lanes Management (similar to HOV Lanes) Eco-Speed Harmonization (similar to variable speed limits) Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (similar to adaptive cruise control) Eco-Ramp Metering (similar to ramp metering) Connected Eco-Driving (similar to eco-driving) Wireless Inductive/Resonance Charging Eco-Traveler Information Applications (similar to ATIS) i ECO-INTEGRATED CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT Eco-ICM Decision Support System (similar to ICM) Eco-Signal Operations Applications Eco-Lanes Applications Low Emissions Zone s Applications Eco-Traveler Information Applications Incident Management Applications Research and technology development activities include five operational scenarios or strategic groupings of connected vehicle applications. Initial emphasis is on three high- priority Operational Scenarios: Eco-Signal Operations, Eco-Lanes, and Low Emissions Zones. Eco-Signal Operations uses connected vehicle technologies to decrease fuel consumption and decrease GHG and criteria air pollutant emissions by reducing idling, the number of stops, unnecessary accelerations and decelerations as well as improving traffic flow at signalized intersections. Eco-Lanes are dedicated freeway lanes – similar to HOV lanes – optimized for the environment that encourage use from vehicles operating in eco-friendly ways. The lanes may support variable speed limits, eco-cooperative adaptive cruise control (ECACC) and vehicle platooning applications, and wireless inductive/resonance charging infrastructure embedded in the roadway. Low Emissions Zones include geographically defined areas that seek to incentivize “green transportation choices” or restrict specific categories of high-polluting vehicles from entering the zone to improve the air quality within the geographic area. Geo-fencing the boundaries allows the possibility for these areas to be responsive to real-time traffic and environmental conditions. Eco-Traveler Information applications enable development of new, advanced traveler information applications through integrated, multisource, multimodal data. Eco-Traveler Information applications include applications that assist users with finding charging stations for alternative fuel vehicles, parking applications, and eco-routing applications. The Eco-Integrated Corridor Management Operational Scenario considers partnering among operators of various surface transportation agencies to treat travel corridors as an integrated asset, coordinating their operations simultaneously with a focus on decreasing fuel consumption and emissions. LOW EMISSIONS ZONES Low Emissions Zone Management (similar to Low Emissions Zones) Connected Eco-Driving (similar to eco-driving strategies) Eco-Traveler Information Applications (similar to ATIS)
The AERIS Approach Conduct Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis Concept Exploration Examine the State-of-the-Practice and explore ideas for AERIS Operational Scenarios Development of Concepts of Operations for Operational Scenarios Identify high-level user needs and desired capabilities for each AERIS scenario in terms that all project stakeholders can understand Conduct Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis Perform a preliminary cost benefit analysis to identify high priority applications and refine/refocus research Prototype Application Develop a prototype for one of the applications to test its efficacy and usefulness. Modeling and Analysis Model, analyze, and evaluate candidate strategies, scenarios and applications that make sense for further development, evaluation and research The AERIS Program is a five year program consisting of a phased research approach. Concept Exploration – The first step was to examine the state-of-the-practice and explore ideas for AERIS research. Five state-of-the-practice reports were developed as part of this phase investigating (i) environmental applications, (ii) assessment of technologies to collect environmental data, (iii) environmental models, (iv) behavioral and activity-based models, and (v) evaluation of environmental ITS deployments. Development of Concepts of Operations for Operational Scenarios – The next phase focused on the identification of environmental applications and the development of Concept of Operations for three of the five Operational Scenarios. Detailed ConOps were developed for the Eco-Signal Operations, Eco-Lanes, and Low Emissions Zones Operational Scenarios. ConOps for the remaining Operational Scenarios will be developed at a later date. Conduct Preliminary Benefit Cost Analysis – Once the ConOps were developed, a preliminary benefit cost analysis was performed to identify high priority applications and refine/refocus the research. Modeling and Analysis – The high priority applications from the benefit cost analysis were then selected for more detailed modeling and analysis. The result will be a report that documents the potential benefits that may be possible by implementing AERIS connected vehicle applications. Prototype Application – Finally, the AERIS Program selected one of the AERIS applications for prototyping. The Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections application was selected to test its efficacy and usefulness.
Eco-Signal Operations Modeling Overview The focus of the program over the past year and a half has been on the development and detailed modeling of the three priority Operational Scenarios. As you can see from this diagram, the modeling was fairly complex. New APIs needed to be developed to accommodate the integration between transportation and emissions models. For this research Paramics microscopic simulation software and EPA’s MOVES software were used. I also wanted to stress that when it comes to modeling connected vehicle applications…especially applications for the environment…there has been limited modeling in this areas. That modeling is limited a few academic researchers. So there was a lot of work done to create new algorithms and link these models together.
Modeling Corridor: El Camino Real A real-world corridor was chosen for analysis and modeling El Camino Real is a major north-south arterial connecting San Francisco and San Jose, CA The modeling corridor consisted of: A six-mile segment of El Camino Real Three lanes in each direction for the majority of the corridor with a 40 mph speed limit 27 signalized intersections that were well coordinated / optimized Intersection spacing that varied from 650 to 1,600 feet El Camino Real Corridor in Paramics Traffic Simulation Model) Modeling of the Eco-Signal Operations applications was conducted along a 6 mile corridor in Northern California near Stanford University. The corridor included 27 intersections that were for the most part, well coordinated / optimized. I wanted to bring this up because when we start looking at benefits, the numbers we show in the presentation are above the baseline which is already fairly well optimized.
Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections Application Application Overview Collects signal phase and timing (SPaT) and Geographic Information Description (GID) messages using vehicle-to- infrastructure (V2I) communications Collects basic safety messages (BSMs) from nearby vehicles using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications Audi and other OEMs are researching and demonstrating similar applications. Receives V2I and V2V messages, the application performs calculations to determine the vehicle’s optimal speed to pass the next traffic signal on a green light or to decelerate to a stop in the most eco-friendly manner Provides speed recommendations to the driver using a human-machine interface or sent directly to the vehicle’s longitudinal control system to support partial automation
Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections Application: Modeling Results Summary of Preliminary Modeling Results 5-10% fuel reduction benefits for an uncoordinated corridor Up to 13% fuel reduction benefits for a coordinated corridor 8% of the benefit is attributable to signal coordination 5% attributable to the application Key Findings and Takeaways The application is less effective with increased congestion Close spacing of intersections resulted in spillback at intersections. As a result, fuel reduction benefits were decreased somewhat dramatically. Preliminary analysis indicates significant improvements with partial automation Results showed that non-equipped vehicles also receive a benefit – a vehicle can only travel as fast as the car in front of it Opportunities for Additional Research Evaluate the benefits of enhancing the application with partial automation
Eco-Traffic Signal Timing Application Application Overview Similar to current traffic signal systems; however the application’s objective is to optimize the performance of traffic signals for the environment Collects data from vehicles, such as vehicle location, speed, vehicle type, and emissions data using connected vehicle technologies Processes these data to develop signal timing strategies focused on reducing fuel consumption and overall emissions at the intersection, along a corridor, or for a region Evaluates traffic and environmental parameters at each intersection in real-time and adapts the timing plans accordingly
Eco-Traffic Signal Timing Application: Modeling Results Summary of Preliminary Modeling Results Up to 5% fuel reduction benefits at full connected vehicle penetration 5% fuel reduction benefits when optimizing for the environment (e.g., CO2) 2% fuel reduction benefits when optimizing for mobility (e.g., delay) Key Findings and Takeaways Optimization of signal timings using environmental measures of effectiveness resulted in mobility benefits in addition to environmental benefits For the El Camino corridor, modeling results indicated that shorter cycle lengths (60 seconds) produce greater benefits than longer cycle lengths (130 seconds) Opportunities for Additional Research Consider analysis for different geometries (e.g., grid network) and traffic demands (e.g., a corridor with higher volumes on the side streets) Investigate adaptive or real-time traffic signal timing optimization algorithms
Eco-Traffic Signal Priority Application Application Overview Allows either transit or freight vehicles approaching a signalized intersection to request signal priority Considers the vehicle’s location, speed, vehicle type (e.g., alternative fuel vehicles), and associated emissions to determine whether priority should be granted Information collected from vehicles approaching the intersection, such as a transit vehicle’s adherence to its schedule, the number of passengers on the transit vehicle, or weight of a truck may also be considered in granting priority If priority is granted, the traffic signal would hold the green on the approach until the transit or freight vehicle clears the intersection Freight demand in baseline model of 1.2% Mainline transit routes in both directions along the El Camino Real: 10 minute headways between buses (6 per hour) 27 bus stops in each direction, near to signalized intersections
Eco-Traffic Signal Priority Application: Modeling Results Summary of Preliminary Modeling Results Eco-Transit Signal Priority provides up to 2% fuel reduction benefits for transit vehicles Up to $260,000 annual savings for fleet of 1,300 transit vehicles driving 20,000 miles each on arterials a year Eco-Freight Signal Priority provides up to 4% fuel reduction benefits for freight vehicles Over $10.2M annual savings for a fleet of 96,000 trucks driving 10,000 miles each on arterials per year Key Findings and Takeaways Eco-Transit Signal Priority Reduced emissions for buses; however in some cases, signal priority was detrimental to the overall network Provided greater overall environmental benefits when the bus’ adherence to its schedule was considered by the algorithm Eco-Freight Signal Priority Passenger vehicles and unequipped freight vehicles also saw reductions in emissions and fuel consumption, benefiting from the additional green time Opportunities for Additional Research Investigate advanced algorithms that collect data from all vehicles and evaluate impacts of granting priority in real-time
Eco-Signal Operations: Combined Modeling Results Results assume 100% connected vehicle penetration rate for baseline traffic conditions (e.g., peak hour traffic) on El Camino Real Environmental improvements are presented as improvements above baseline conditions (e.g., corridor with well coordinated signal timing plan)
Key Takeaways from Combined Modeling Combined modeling of the Eco-Signal Operations application resulted in 10.2% reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 over the baseline When the applications are combined, the total benefits are NOT simply the summation of benefits from each individual application While the results were not additive, no application negated another application Combined modeling results indicate benefits at low penetration rates Fuel and CO2 Reductions Connected Vehicle Penetration Rate
Next Steps What will the AERIS Program accomplish in 2014? Complete modeling and analysis for three priority Operational Scenarios Move forward with prototyping/testing the Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections Application Complete 6 White Papers and a Workshop with the European Union (EU) Prepare Final AERIS Phase 1 Report with recommendations for future research What does the AERIS Program plan to accomplish after 2014? Complete intensive modeling to demonstrate likely benefits and magnitude of integrated applications and bring the results to jurisdictions likely to deploy them; Identify and strategically partner with the ‘adopter community’ that is likely to deploy AERIS applications; and Encourage and enable prototyping, testing, demonstration and deployment of AERIS applications
How to Get Involved (or Stay Involved) in the AERIS Program AERIS Program Website: http://www.its.dot.gov/aeris/index.htm Program Overview, News, Published Reports, and Contact Information 2014 AERIS Summer Webinar Series Webinar #1: Combined Modeling of Eco-Signal Operations Applications Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 at 1:00pm ET Webinar #2: Preliminary Eco-Lanes Modeling Results Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 at 1:00pm ET Webinar #3: Preliminary Low Emissions Zones Modeling Results Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 at 1:00pm ET Registration: www.itsa.org/aerissummer2014 AERIS Workshops In-person meetings to provide an update on the AERIS Program and solicit stakeholder inputs/feedback on AERIS research ITS JPO Newsletter: http://www.its.dot.gov/its_newsletter.htm
Contact Information Marcia Pincus Program Manager, Environment (AERIS) and ITS Evaluation USDOT Research and Innovative Technology Administration marcia.pincus@dot.gov J.D. Schneeberger Noblis john.schneeberger@noblis.org