Legal basis for Certification Center’s activities EXCCOM LLP has been accredited as Certification Center for Engineers and Technicians involved in design and construction by the Committee on Affairs of Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Management of Land Resources of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Certificate of Accreditation No.00033 of April 8, 2016). Engineers and Technicians are certified in accordance with Rules and Permissive Requirements for certification of Engineers and Technicians involved in design and construction process approved by the Order of the Minister for National Economy No.734 of November 26, 2015.
Conditions of Certification To be certified the applicants should provide the following: Application in the prescribed form; Copy of Identification Document; Notarized copy of professional secondary/ higher education (the copies of science or academic degree certificates to be attached – if any); Notarized copy of employment record book or other documents which confirm applicants’ work experience; Notarized copies of foreign certificates, diplomas and other documents which confirm applicants’ professional development in relevant fields – if any).
Procedure of Engineers and Technicians Certification TESTING (no later than 5 days after notification) Acceptance of Engineers and Technicians’ documents Issue of Certification Center’s approval order of: - Certification schedule; - Each applicant’s document review results (accepted/unaccepted for test) (1 day) The applicants are notified of place, date and time of the test or the reasons of rejection (3 work days) Requirements: Applicants should submit payment receipt for test services Decision based on test results: - Certified ; - Non certified 1. Application; 2. Copy of ID; 3. Notarized copy of Diploma of Higher Education; 4. Notarized copy of employment record book; 5. Notarized copy of foreign certificates/ diplomas 6. The term of consideration of the package of documents within 15 days. Rules: Applicants shall: 1. Pass computer based testing (with language settings); 2. Submit ID; 3. Get familiar with test procedure; Applicants shall not: 4. Talk to each other, leave the room , use electronic devices or hard copies; 5. Applicants who do not follow these rules are expelled from test with relevant document preparation (in optional form). 6. Correct answers are calculated automatically. 7. Applicants receive test results. 8. The test lasts 120 minutes. Issue of Qualification Certificate The cost of certification of each engineering technician (applicant) amounts to KZT 17 600, VAT included.
Precertification Training The target is to prepare the specialists for certification within the scope of programs which meet testing requirements depending on the speciality and position of engineer.
The cost of pre-certification training and certification of engineers № Name of event Cost, KZT (for 1 person) Resident of the RK Non-resident of RK Astana city 1 Pre-certification training of engineers in the amount of 10 (academic) hours 11 000 16 000 2 Certification of Engineers 17 600 22 000 Other cities 12 000 17 000
Additional Information For further information please contact Certification Center EXCCOM LLP: Tel.: +7 701 513 80 73 – Makhmetov Gabit E-mail: (g.makhmetov@exccom.kz) Tel. : +7 701 221 4232 – Melik N. Alpysbayev E-mail: (m.alrysbaev@exccom.kz)