Air Pollution Debate
Gather Information Look over your topic that you researched. It is important to be able to back up what you say during a debate with factual evidence; NOT opinions.
Here’s how we will participate: Each of you have an index card. When you want to speak and add additional information, regarding the topic that you chose, raise your index card in the air. After you have spoken make a small mark on your index card to show that you have made a comment. When you have made two comments, you are not allowed to make any more comments until EVERYONE has participated.
During the Debate Remember Debate Etiquette Be polite and courteous. Listen attentively Be respectful and supportive of peers. Avoid inappropriate noises. Speak only when recognized by the moderator. Allow others to express their opinions; do not monopolize the debate. Use grammatically correct language. Speak clearly, slowly, and loud enough to be heard by the audience.
Idea/Issue: Is air pollution becoming an increasing issue?
Proposition (Supporter): Laws are becoming passed that hinder the environment and lessen the amount of air pollution being monitored. Rates of particulate matter and air contaminants continue to increase. Because of the following above, air pollution is becoming an increasing issue.
Opposition (oponent): Pollution is being monitored and maintained at a healthy/livable level. There are laws in place to protect the health of the planet and populations on the planet. Therefor, pollution is not becoming an increasing issue.
What do you think? and more importantly… Why?
Comparing positions in literature Read through the article about bill 765. What are the two point of views? 2. What is one statement that was said that backed up both viewpoints?