Business Outreach Program Rio Grande Literacy Center Mid Year Evaluation
Mid Year Review Objectives: Primary Research Understand how to better inform students Develop recommendations on how to attract RGV Literacy Center’s target market Increase student enrollment Primary Research Qualitative: Focus Group
Focus Group Total Participants: 6 25-52 years old: Females Number of questions: 25 questions Driving Questions: 6
Focus Group Analysis Q1 Have you ever heard of RGV Literacy Center before? P1 No P2 Yes P3 P4 P5 P6
Focus Group Analysis Q1(b) Does this seem interesting to you? P1 Yes, this way we as adults have more options to improve our studies. P2 Yes P3 Yes, ESL is important to expand our language. P4 Yes, I would like to have more information about the classes they offer. P5 It is one more option inside the valley to overcome education at a low cost. P6 Yes, there’s many places where to go to learn.
Focus Group Analysis Q5 How can we convince you that it’ll be a good idea to register for these services? P1 What options do you give me to take the classes? P2 If there wasn’t an inscription fee. P3 If the method is different than the previous ones we’ve attended. P4 Flexible schedule P5 Get to know the options within the Literacy Center. P6 Flexible schedule and classes Monday through Fridays for 2 hours a day.
Focus Group Analysis Q11 What learning method would you prefer, a large group (20+) , small group (5-20), or individual? P1 5-20 small groups, 5-15 maximum P2 I believe groups of 5-20 are better. P3 5-20 P4 I would like small groups of 5-10 students which makes the class more personalized and serious. P5 Small groups (5-20) P6 I would like a small groups (5-20)
Focus Group Analysis Q13 What suggestions do you have to attract people who need or are interested in learning English? P1 Free trial classes to evaluate and see if they qualify to my needs. P2 Giving a free class to people interested in the program to see if that is what they are looking for. P3 The teachers and system must be effective. P4 Assist to one of their classes to know how the system works. P5 Make known the qualities of the service. P6 Probably by being free.
Focus Group Analysis Q1 (2) What would be the best suggestion to distribute and promote flyers. P1 During schools entrance and exit hours. P2 Through mail. P3 Entrance and exit hours of schools. P4 At the end of the school day when parents pick up their children. P5 Entrance and exit school hours. P6 At festivals where students participate and parents attend.
Focus Group Analysis Q6 (3) Which are your best suggestions to maintain your number one option (Facebook) from social media active? P1 Update your activities day by day. P2 Facebook should always be updated. P3 More pictures and the constant update of their information. P4 Update information, achievements, and student’s certificates day by day. P5 Upload daily content and manage the use of likes. P6 Constant updating of information. If possible, daily.
Marketing Strategy Recommendations Change the flyer design such as: *Q5 Colors (use vibrant colors) Make it concrete with basic information (location, contacts, registration fee, offered classes) Webpage: *Q1, 2, & 3 Translate all information to Spanish Provide more photos, testimonies, opinions etc. Social Media (Facebook): Update frequently with your daily activities, photos, information, and student accomplishments *Q6
Marketing Deliverables Poster Trifold Commercial Script/Story Boards Website Social Media 30 Sec Radio Spot
Poster Concept
Thank you!