Ranking Users for Intelligent Message Addressing Vitor R. Carvalho and William Cohen Carnegie Mellon University Glasgow, April 2nd 2008
Outline Intelligent Message Addressing Models Data & Experiments Email Auto-completion Mozilla Thunderbird Extension* Learning to Rank Results*
Ramesh Nallapati <ramesh@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] William Cohen <wcohen@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Akiko Matsui <akiko@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Yifen Huang <hyfen@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add]
Ramesh Nallapati <ramesh@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] William Cohen <wcohen@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Akiko Matsui <akiko@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Yifen Huang <hyfen@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add]
Ramesh Nallapati <ramesh@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Akiko Matsui <akiko@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Yifen Huang <hyfen@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add]
einat <einat@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Ramesh Nallapati <ramesh@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Jon Elsas <jelsas@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Andrew Arnold <aard@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add]
einat <einat@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Ramesh Nallapati <ramesh@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Jon Elsas <jelsas@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Andrew Arnold <aard@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add]
Ramesh Nallapati <ramesh@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Jon Elsas <jelsas@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Andrew Arnold <aard@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add]
Tom Mitchell <tom@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Andrew Arnold <aard@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add] Jon Elsas <jelsas@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Frank Lin <frank@cs.cmu.edu> [Add]
Tom Mitchell <tom@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Andrew Arnold <aard@andrew.cmu.edu> [Add] Jon Elsas <jelsas@cs.cmu.edu> [Add] Frank Lin <frank@cs.cmu.edu> [Add]
The Task: Intelligent Message Addressing Predicting likely recipients of email messages given: (1) contents of message being composed (2) other recipients already specified (3) a few initial letters of the intended recipient contact (intelligent auto-completion).
What for? Prevent high-cost management errors Identifying people related to specific topics (or have specific relevant skills.) Relation to Expert Finding Email message ↔ (long) query Email addresses ↔ experts Improved Email Address Auto-completion Prevent high-cost management errors People just forget to add important recipients preventing costly misunderstandings communication delays missed opportunities. [Dom et al, 03; Campbell et al,03] Particularly in large corporations
How Frequent are These Errors? Grep for “forgot”, “sorry” or “accident” in the Enron Email corpus - half a million real email messages from a large corporation. “Sorry, I forgot to CC you his final offer” “Oops, I forgot to send it to Vince.” “Adding John to the discussion…..(sorry John)” “Sorry....missed your name on the cc: list!”. More frequent than expected at least 9.27% of the users forgot to add a desired email recipient. At least 20.52% of the users were not included as recipients (even though they were intended recipients) in at least one received message. Lowerbound
Two Ranking Tasks TO+CC+BCC Prediction CC+BCC Prediction
Models Non-textual Models Expert Finding Models [Balog et al, 2006] Frequency only Recency only Expert Finding Models [Balog et al, 2006] M1: Candidate Model M2: Document Model Rocchio (TFIDF) K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Rank Aggregation of the above
Non-Textual Models Frequency model Recency Model Rank by total number of messages in training set Recency Model Exponential decay on chronologically ordered messages.
Expert Search Models M1: Candidate Model [Balog et al, 2006] M2: Document Model [Balog et al, 2006] f(doc,ca) is estimated as user centric (UC) or document centric (DC)
Other Models Rocchio (TFIDF) [Joachims, 1997; Salton & Buckley, 1988] K-Nearest Neighbors [Yang & Liu, 1999]
Model Parameters Chosen from preliminary tests. Recency b = 100 [10,20,50,100,200,500] KNN, K=30 [3,5,10,20,30,40,50,100] Rocchio’s b = 0 -[0,0.1,0.25,0.5]
Data: Enron Email Collection Some good reasons: Large, half a million messages Natural work-related email, not email lists Public and free Different roles: managers, assistants, etc. Unfortunates No clear message thread information No complete Address Book information no first/last/full names of many recipients
Enron Data Preprocessing Setup a realistic temporal setup (per user) For each user, 10% (most recent) sent messages will be used as test 36 users All users had their Address Books (AB) extracted TOCCBCC CCBCC
Enron Data Preprocessing Bag-of-words representation Message were represented as the union of BOW of body and BOW of subject Removed inconsistencies and repeated messages Disambiguated Several Enron addresses Stop words removed, No stemming Self-addressed messages were removed
Threading No explicit thread information in Enron – Try to reconstruct. Build “Message Thread Set” MTS(msg) set of messages with same “subject” as the current one.
Rank Aggregation Ranking combined by Reciprocal Rank:
Rank Aggregation Results
Observations ‘Threading’ improves MAP for all models KNN seems is best choice overall: document-model with focus on a few top docs Data Fusion method for rank aggregation improved performance significantly Base systems making different types of mistakes
Intelligent Email Auto-completion TOCCBCC CCBCC
Intelligent Email Auto-completion
Mozilla Thunderbird extension (Cut Once) Suggestions: Click to add
Mozilla Thunderbird extension (Cut Once) Interested? Just google “mozilla extension carnegie mellon” User Study using Cut Once Instead…write-then-address behavior
Can we do better ranking? Learning to Rank: machine learning to improve ranking Feature-based ranking function Many recently proposed methods: RankSVM ListNet RankBoost Perceptron Variations Online, scalable. [Joachims, KDD-02] [Cao et al., ICML-07] [Freund et al, 2003] [Elsas, Carvalho & Carbonell, WSDM-08]
Learning to Rank Recipients Ranking scores as features Textual Scores (KNN) Network Scores Frequency score Recency score Co-Occurrence Features Combine textual scores with other “network” features Textual Feature (KNN scores) Network Features
Learning to Rank Recipients: Results
Conclusions Problem: Predicting recipients of email messages Useful for email auto-completion, finding related people, and management addressing errors Evidence from Large email collection 2 subtasks: TOCCBCC and CCBCC Various models: KNN best model in general Rank Aggregation improved performance Improvements in Email-auto completion Thunderbird Extension (Cut Once)* Promising Results on learning to rank recipients*
Thank you
Thank you
Comments (Thanks, reviewers!) No account for email structural info (body ≠ subject ≠ quoted) Identifying Name entities (“Dear Mr. X”, etc.) Implicitly doing, but could be better Enron did not provide many first/last names Fair estimation of f(doc,ca) on email? Might explain weaker performance of M2 models.