Church-Planting Strategy Session IX >> SOILS and BREED 24:14 Original Teaching by Steve Smith
Overview Foundations Macro Strategy – Acts Study Micro Strategy – Sending of the 12 & 70 Reproducing discipleship – Matt 28:18-20 Model House Church
Implementation Developing National Partners Developing Leaders BREED – Assessing a Movement SOILS – How to Spend Your Time Simple Church – Healthy Church Life
Implementation SEEDS in SOILS BREED CPMs SEEDS – How to plant a movement SOILS – Who to invest in BREED – What every movement needs to reproduce CPM – Our end goal
SEEDS - How to plant a CPM Sow Broadly (to the lost and the saved) Luke 8, parable of the 4 soils Encounter People of Peace Matt 9:36-10:15; Luke 10:1-20 Equip Reproducers Matt 28:19-20; 2 Tim 2:2 Develop Churches Acts 2:42-47 Strengthen Leaders 1 Timothy 3; Titus
Assessment Generational growth is critical to knowing how to reach a target group. Problems of 2nd & 4th generation Your yearly goal: Invest in the most critical persons (SOILS) and highest value activities (BREED) that will move you forward 1-2 steps along the continuum. What are the most critical elements? Develop 6-12 month action plans to do this.
CPM Continuum Unsure – unsure of how to proceed toward CPM or no plan Moving purposefully 0 to 1 – trying to consistently establish 1st generation believers & churches Moving purposefully 1 to 2 – Consistent 1st & some 2nd gen churches Near CPM - consistent 2nd, some 3rd gen churches Beginning CPM - consistent 3rd gen churches, some 4th Sustained CPM - consistent 4th generation churches; multiple streams are started
SOILS – Where to Invest Spirit – fervent prayer Outsiders – to find persons of peace Insiders – cast vision and train trainers Leaders – multiply fruitful leaders Segments – reach unreached segments
SOILS of the CPM Continuum – whom to relate to at each stage Few/no Target Group Christians YOUR SITUATION Many willing Target Group Christians Many Multiplying Target Group Churches Progress from lostness toward sustained church planting movements Evaluate your situation and choose high value activities that move you across the continuum Your team Cast vision and train far & near culture partners Much evangelism that leads to planting Including development of appropriate EV materials/methods Find breakthrough Persons of Peace (Luke 10) especially via “PUSHES” Move new converts to category below Start as many streams as possible Spend the appropriate percentage of ministry time on what is needed to move across the continuum Outsiders - looking for POPs Cast vision to target group believers to become willing partners Training Trainers until multiple generations exist Help partners to do the same Insiders – casting vision & training willing partners YOUR ATIVITIES Spirit - Fervent Prayer Always Mid-level trainings. Top-level leader mentoring. Of fruitful people (proven worth) Leaders – to sustain CPM Develop a network of frequent, fervent pray-ers Including your and your team Expand it to your national colleagues Look for ways the CPM is naturally crossing over Via same, near or far culture partners Looking for people of peace through special PUSHES Until the entire target group is saturated Segments – getting to new lost segments
YOUR ATIVITIES The CPM Continuum Because God is already at work we can Few/no Target Group Christians Many willing Target Group Christians Many Multiplying Target Group Churches Outsiders - looking for POPs Because God is already at work we can move across the continuum quickly! Insiders – casting vision & training willing partners YOUR ATIVITIES Spirit - Fervent Prayer Always Most M’s move 1-2 steps at a time across the continuum . . . Celebrate each step forward! Leaders – to sustain CPM Segments – getting to new lost segments
BREED – What a CPM Needs Big Vision Reproducing methods Expectations and accountability Equipping leaders Death & Spiritual Breakthrough – the spiritual triggering event. 11
How to B.R.E.E.D. Sustained CPMs Workgroups: What happens if you leave out an element??? Big Vision Reprodu- cing Methods Expect- ations Equip Leaders Death Reprodu- ing Methods Expect- ations Equip Leaders Death Big Vision Expect- ations Equip Leaders Death Big Vision Reprodu- ing Methods Equip Leaders Death Big Vision Reprodu- ing Methods Expect- ations Death Big Vision Reprodu- ing Methods Expect- ations Equip Leaders 12
How to B.R.E.E.D. Sustained CPMs Big Vision Reprodu- cing Methods Expect- ations Equip Leaders Death Reprodu- ing Methods Expect- ations Equip Leaders Death CONFUSION & No Saturation Big Vision Expect- ations Equip Leaders Death Despair / Dependence Big Vision Reprodu- ing Methods Equip Leaders Death Incremental Growth Stalled CPM Big Vision Reprodu- ing Methods Expect- ations Death No Real Start Big Vision Reprodu- ing Methods Expect- ations Equip Leaders 13
What would you do if… There were 3rd generation churches planted and rapid growth You launched a new church plant You found a few hungry local believers and led a person of peace to the Lord There are several POPs and national partners who are seeing people saved and groups established There was 4th generation churches, widespread fruit, but lots of pastoral problems There were several people coming to Christ, but you were having a difficult time following up