Complete the reflection portion at the bottom of the starter page. 1. Please have these Items on your desk. Agenda AR Book Science Starters Sheet Science Starter: “Was there any part of the pre-quiz that your were surprised that you forgot/remembered from last year. If so, what was it?” Complete the reflection portion at the bottom of the starter page. Friday July 25th Day 1
Science Safety
Lab Safety In every lab class there is always the danger that you may expose yourself to injury. We are going to go over the basic lab safety rules to keep you safe.
Goggles Goggles should always be worn when chemicals are being heated or mixed. This will protect your eyes from chemicals that spatter or explode. Goggles should also be worn if there is any way that something could damage your eyes.
Chemical Contact with Skin Protective gloves are worn whenever you are handling chemicals. If you happen to spill a chemical on your skin, notify your teacher immediately.
Beginning the lab Do not touch materials until instructed to do so. Read all directions BEFORE starting. LISTEN to Directions
Beginning the lab Wear protective eyewear when appropriate. Wear all forms of protective coverings when appropriate Always tie back long hair, remove loose jewelry, and secure loose clothing Let your teacher know if you have any medical conditions that may affect your ability to perform the lab.
Clean Up all Messes Immediately Your lab area should be spotless when you start experimenting and spotless when you leave. If not, clean it! Wash your hands!
No Eating or Drinking During the Lab NEVER eat, drink, smell or taste anything in the lab.
Horse Play…Out!! Horseplay can lead to chemical spills, accidental fires, broken containers, and damaged equipment. Never throw anything to another person, no wrestling, punching or shoving.
Fire If there is a fire in the room notify the teacher immediately. Don’t try to put the fire out yourself.
Better Safe Than Sorry If you have questions, or if you are not sure how to handle a particular chemical, procedure, or part of an experiment, ask for help from your teacher. If you do not feel comfortable doing something then don’t do it. Never try anything new, always ask your teacher for permission before you try a new idea
LAB SAFETY AGREEMENT Lab Safety Agreement signed by Monday