NACUBO PowerPoint Template Throughout this template there are recommended guidelines for usage of this template. The guidelines are designed to enhance your presentation and are not required.
Recommended Typography Font Styles Verdana Arial Tahoma Calibri (this presentation is in Calibri) Size Larger font sizes are easier for audiences to read. Keep sizes consistent throughout This is a good bullet size (Calibri, 32) This is not a good font size (Calibri, 14pt)
Colors Main colors: Accent colors: RGB: R81 G192 B177 RGB: R76 B154 B188 Accent colors: RGB: R135 G41 B22 RGB: R191 G82 B22 RGB: R187 G19 B62
Importing Slides In the left pane, click in-between the slides where you want to add the imported slide. A red line will appear. Select New Slides and select Reuse Slides from the bottom of the list. A new pane will appear on the right. Click Browse and then click Browse File. Once you locate the file, thumbnails of the presentation slides will appear on the right pane. To insert one or all of the slides, right-click on any slide and select Insert Slide or Insert All Slides. Apply the theme of the destination presentation to the imported slides by selecting Apply Theme to Selected Slides or Apply Theme to All Slides. (To maintain the formatting of the source presentation, check the box Keep source formatting before you insert any slide. We do not recommend keeping the old format, instead please apply this theme as described above.)
Icon Usage NACUBO recommends using icons throughout your presentation Icon Usage NACUBO recommends using icons throughout your presentation. Click on View>Master View> to copy and use any of the icons below.
NACUBO has several title slides Choose the background color that suits you. Option 1.
Title Slide Option 2.
Title Slide Option 3.
Title Slide Option 4.
The next four slides are for a bulleted list The next four slides are for a bulleted list. Each slide is a new thought/point with a dark purple background. 1 2 3 4 New Thought/Point.
Bulleted List 1 2 3 4 First Point. New Thought/Point.
Bulleted List 1 2 3 4 First Point. Second Point. New Thought/Point.
1 2 3 4 Bulleted List First Point. Second Point. Third Point. New Thought/Point.
These icons can be removed or switched out in the View>Master Slide section. Use copy/paste to add an icon here.