Ella 6/13 SA
Location where data was collected: Watershed: Lake Champlain River: Potash Brook Monitoring Site: Potash Brook Champlain Water District
Physical Assessment The speed of the water- 2.2 ft/sec Average stream width- 22 ft Depth of stream- 15 inches Relative flow- High Water appearance- muddy/milky Surrounding development- Residential
Bioblitz Assessment Percentage of trees covering the river- 25% Deciduous trees found- 60% Coniferous trees found- 40% Soil pit 1 notes- gets Lighter as the soil got deeper Soil pit 2 notes- more wet as you get deeper
BMI Assessment The most common BMI was the caddis fly larvae 7 Main insects The most common BMI was the caddis fly larvae
Water The water looked unhealthy because it was brown and cloudy. The reason why it was muddy was because of recent erosion from the rain. erosion:The gradual destruction or diminution of something Because of the BMI's that are intolerant to pollution livinging in the stream,the water is proved pollution free! We wouldn't have found those bugs if there were pollution.
Caddis Fly Larvae The Caddis fly larvae is very intolerant of pollution. Meaning they cannot live in water that contains pollution Aquatic, premature Caddisfly Adult, mature caddis fly
Conclusion Since there were many Caddisfly larvae found in the brook, and caddisfly larvae are very intolerant to pollution, the water had little pollution in it. + =