Plan Your Future Supports Available in Post-Secondary Settings NDE Innovative Grant in collaboration with NDE and ESU 13
A committee of Professionals have planned a series that will help you Explore and Prepare for Post-Secondary Options 4 Sessions: Post-secondary Training and Educational Options Financial Supports for College Supports Available in Post-Secondary SEttings Skills Needed for Post-Secondary Settings Committee Pam Brezenski, ESU 13; Pat Comfort, NE Department of Labor; Nicole Fisher; NE VR, Andrew Hunzeker, Education Quest; Ashley Meyer, NE Autism Network/ESU 13; Bill Moore, LifeLink NE
Group Norms To make this work……… Be Present Phones off and away, please Share-Participate, It’s a safe Place! Respect Everyone’s View Remember, we all may see different things! Group Norms To make this work………
Supports Available in Postsecondary settings Pam Brezenski; ESU 13 Bill Moore; ESU 13/LifeLink Sonja Peetz; NE Autism Network
What Legal Obligations do Postsecondary Settings follow? NO Individuals With Disabilities Act! Colleges do not have to provide the same level of support as High Schools What Legal Obligations do Postsecondary Settings follow? DO Follow Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Purpose is to ensure equal access to people with disabilities to protect them from discrimination What did you learn?
What Are the Key Differences Between Modifications and Accommodations? Change the Requirements/Outcomes of the Assignments i.e. Number Questions/Format of Response/Page Number Adjustments Accommodations Allows Access to the Material i.e. Location to Test/Extended Time/Increased Size/Interpreter/Copies of Notes What Are the Key Differences Between Modifications and Accommodations? What did you learn?
What is the Key Difference Between a 504 and an IEP for Students High School IEP College (504) Under Child Find-Schools will Seek Out Student Not Under Child Find-Student Must Self Identify School Plans Supports Student MUST Register for Disability Services on their Own Student is Supported by Parents and Teachers Student MUST Self-Advocate On their Own Evaluations Provided as Part of the Educational Process Student Must get Evaluation at their OWN Expense Teachers may Modify Curriculum or Alter Pace Student will Complete Work at the Pace of all Students Tutoring and Support May be Provided as a Service of the IEP Tutoring is NOT Provided-Student MUST Plan It on Their Own Homework May Be Completed With Support and In School Homework IS Homework Social Supports are Provided by School Students MUST Navigate the College Setting on Their OWN What is the Key Difference Between a 504 and an IEP for Students What did you learn?
What is the Key Difference Between a 504 and an IEP For Parents High School IEP College (504) Under Child Find-Schools will Seek Out Student Not Under Child Find-Student Must Self Identify Parents May Advocate for their Child Student MUST Self-Advocate On their Own Evaluations Provided as Part of the Educational Process Student Must get Evaluation at their OWN Expense Parents have Access to Records and Grades Only Student Has Access to Records and Grades (may sign permission form) What is the Key Difference Between a 504 and an IEP For Parents What did you learn?
Process for Accessing Supports in College Visit the Disability Support Office when touring Meet with Disability Coordinator Fill out an application for a 504 to be deemed eligible Complete an accommodations plan/accommodations letter Students must advocate and share plan with their professors Schedule follow up appointments with Disability Support Office Process for Accessing Supports in College What did you learn?
What Other Supports/Service are Available on Campus Student supports that may be available on campus: Math/Writing Lab for Support Tutoring Services Mental Health Testing Centers On Campus Activities Organizations Social Opportunities Recreational Opportunities What did you learn?
Resources You May need
AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability
NE VR 505 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 632-1321
Education Quest 1601 E 27th St, Scottsbluff, NE (402) 479-6658