THE PREPOSITION Shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence. Mollie walked into her aunt’s house. (Into connects walked and house.) My mom exercises quietly in the morning. (In connects the idea of exercises and morning.) The professor placed the book underneath the large desk. (Underneath connects the idea of placed and desk.)
PREPOSITIONS Aboard About Above Across After Against Along Among Around As At Before Behind Below Beneath Beside Besides Between Beyond But By Concerning Despite Down During Except For From In Inside Into Like Near Of Off On Onto Opposite Out Outside Over Past Since Through Throughout Till To Toward Under Underneath Until Up Upon With Within Without
COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS Same as a single preposition, but contains more than one word! According to the author, this event happened in 1334. We sat next to him. the shed, we will also have to paint the baseIn addition to ment. We had a great time in spite of the nasty weather.
PREPOSITION-ADVERB QUESTION The same word can be an adverb in one sentence and a preposition in another. With a single word, an adverb answers: when? Where? How? To what extent? Preposition needs other words to help answer the same questions.
EXAMPLES I walked around. (adverb) (Where did I walk? Around.) I walked around the block. (preposition) (Where did I walk? Around the block.) Kenny, look beyond. (adverb) (Where should Kenny look? Beyond.) Kenny, look beyond your present troubles. (preposition) (Where should Kenny look? Beyond his present troubles.)
INTERJECTIONS Expresses strong emotions or feelings. Usually found at the beginning of the sentence Strong emotions typically followed by exclamation marks. Mild emotions typically followed by commas. Wow! That was a close call. (Strong emotion) Oh, you are correct. (Mild emotion)
EXAMPLES Aw Ahem Bravo Darn Dear me Eh Eek Gee Golly Goodness gracious Gosh Hello Hey Hi Hurrah Hurray No Oh Oh no Oops Phew Psst Rats Ugh Whoa Wow Yea Yeh Yes yippee