Assumption for a given sector Shutdown: general mode Powering tests: Access restrictions when powering: No one underground when tests above 1 kA (rule to be discussed elsewhere) Tunnel Adjacent tunnel areas ? To be discussed elsewhere… Service areas ? To be discussed elsewhere… Experiments ? To be discussed elsewhere… Restricted/closed (coordination of access by point owners and Rudiger) Cold checkout: restricted/closed (coordination of access by point owners and Gianluigi) Beam (coordination of access by machine coordinator + EiC) January 20th 2009
Access during powering tests (I) Proposal: ADI when possible (scheduled interventions) (approved by point owners) EIC on shift decision on the spot for any other access request? But, of course: Get input from point owners Inform point owners January 20th 2009
Access during powering tests (II) If long (few days) interruption of powering tests: ADI compulsory General mode with restricted list at PAD level (LHC-TNL34 like) Restricted list automatically filled from ADI (when signed)… feasibility to be checked January 20th 2009
Access during powering tests (III) Grouping accesses? What about one day with most accesses? Rest of the week: powering tests and NO access (except if required for fixing up for continuing test) Compatibility with schedule of accesses in experimental caverns? Feedback from last year: access during working hours and tests after 5pm was not efficient January 20th 2009
Interlocks? Starting tests: Feasible in the short term ? Start test above 1kA only when patrol SAFE no keys out closed mode ? Drawback: if in restricted mode, people might think there is no test ongoing: false feeling of safety Start test below 1kA only when Patrol SAFE? OR envelop doors are all closed and emergency handles armed? During powering: Interrupt test? How? Under which conditions? January 20th 2009
Other organizational issues How to get enough patrollers? Real patrol (procedure to be followed) requires MANPOWER and TIME! Last year, unfortunately, simply “green boxes”, in which case equivalent to have no patrol at all. Who will rearm doors (external envelop/powering test envelop)? Possible candidates: CSA, gérants de site, OP, people on shift, coordination team. Mandate and priorities? Flow of information between person who authorizes the access and person who gives the access? January 20th 2009
How to enforce the rules? Who has got authority to refuse an access request? Who has got authority and appropriate means to empty a zone such as Service area? Experiment? Non interlocked underground areas? Real patrol (procedure to be followed)! Last year, unfortunately, simply “green boxes”, in which case equivalent to have no patrol at all. January 20th 2009