NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove CCG Case studies October 2017 5 October
Winyates Health Centre NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove CCG M81019 At Winyates Health Centre one of the best techniques used for promoting Patient Online was when they created a competition for the reception staff. Whichever member of staff got the most patients registered over a 2 week period, was offered a prize. It was a “healthy competition between staff which also created excitement” explains Claire, the practice manager. The surgery pride themselves on offering as much choice as possible to their patients. As well as having routine GP appointments, they also have smear, nurse and flu jab appointments available for patients to book online, which patients are made aware of. June 2016 = 19.8% April 2017 = 25.4% No. patients = 16,010 Deprivation scale = 5 Patients >75 years = 5.7% Patients ethnicity = 5.9% Region = Midlands and East Supplier = EMIS Patients are able to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions 24/7. As Monday and Tuesday’s appointments are released online over the weekend, any patients who wish to login at the weekend are able to book an appointment. This releases pressure on the Monday morning telephone rush. Less queues on telephone line, which leaves reception staff able to concentrate on other admin tasks. Competition between reception staff to see who gets the most registrations in 2 weeks.. If patients ask if a cancellation becomes available, reception staff encourage them to sign up, because as soon as a cancellation is released, it is put online. GP, nurse, smear and flu appointments are all available to book online. Promotional material around the practice Promoted on website To ease pressure on staff as well as patients by trying to reduce telephone waiting times. To offer as much choice as possible to patients. To keep up to date with technology as it progresses in order to make our job roles more effective and efficient.